Iman-Maqam e Sirr

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


TREATMENT/ACQUIRING AS SIRR —make nafs submissive to allah and good deeds .do lot of in huzoori (constantly alert and in the presence of allah) be in shuhood (hold on to truth and contemplate on it) be in fanaa(to be annihilated or totally absorbed in tauheed)be in fanaa-ul fanaa(to be unware of even ones stage of fanaa) be in tajalliat(beatific visions of allah are directly revealed)

CONCLUSION –TARIQAT (THE PATH) —repentance, abstention/refraining, contentment /satisfaction, trust in Allah,solitude(to be alone), attention directed to Allah Ta’ala,  patience/sabr, pleased with Allah, remembrance of Allah,meditation,faqr(self denial /self negation/asceticism),umeed ,hope,thanking allah ,fear of allah ,To keep away from love for the dunya,To be present for duty before the Murshid-i-Kamil,do not stop reading your wird (your daily reading) and saying your zikr,To contemplate (muraqaba),To attain knowledge,To have a beautiful character with charitable and generous heart.To eat less. To speak less. To sleep less. To associate less with people. Perform Worldly duties on their time and Ibaadat on its time. sit in pious company,Eliminate show off, Reduce expenditure of money.praising much the person against whom jealousy is directed. expels the love of wealth from the heart. Expel the desire for fame and name. Remember maut (death) in abundance and  do not involve yourself in distant and remote hopes. Companionship must be for the sake of Allah not for worldly benefits Be in a state of wazu everytime.Keep your heart from hypocrisy(nifaq)And also its hypocrisy to say I did miracle. “Do not let any thought of show off enter your heart, and worship God wherever you will.ask forgiveness /keep patience /be content(satisfied) /show thanks to allah.don’t  speak ill of even an evil person. Do not listen to evil. don’t have greed for wealth and honour. Do not expand much worldly affairs. Do not meet people with  those who engage in Zikr.display good manners ,Confess your faults immediately.have trust in Allah and present your needs to Him only. Hope for the rewards and be in  fear that allah is watching me always.Consider yourself to be the most inferior. think, I’m sure he/she is better than me. don’t consider yourself to be perfect. humble yourself in the presence of those whom you regard as your inferior. Everything is bestowal of Allah Ta’ala ,yours is nothing,to overlook the fault of others ,All will perish one day. Be As in the state of death(To correct your nafs).The heat generated by the remembrance of Allah SWT  will burn Lust,Anger ,Tyranny, Desire, Want,Jealousy,Greed, Pride and Arrogance

Niyyat /intention (for Allah’s sake)

Lovingwealth =is for uplifting deen /helping needy /zakat and sadaqa etc etc

Loving children=bringing them as good slave of Allah and pray for me after my death.

Loving awliya Allah= for their sohbat here and hereafter

Loving relatives=to be in jannah together (guide them towards ahle sunnat wal jamaat)

Loving creation =for the sake of Allah .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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