Iman-Maqam And Hal

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


“MAQAM (STATION) “ denotes —one’s stay in the Way of Allah, his fulfillment of all rights and obligations pertaining to that “maqam“.maqam (station) belongs to the category of acts.Maqam (station) is acquired through efforts. the man of maqam (station) stands by his own selfmortification. satisfaction is the end of maqamat (stations)

There arefollowing stations:repentance (tawba ), returning towards to Allah (inabat) , abstinence (zuhd), trust in Allah (tawakul), Kana’a (contentment), Uzlat (devotional seclusion), Tawajjuh (turning towards), Sabur (patience), Ridza (cheerful acceptance), Zikr (remembrance of Allah), Muraqaba (vigilant contemplation)

It is not permissible that one should pretend to conversion without repentance, or to abstinence without conversion, or to trust in Allah without abstinence.

The station of Adam(as) was repentance (tawbah),

that of Nuh(as) was renunciation (zuhd),

that of Ibrahim(as) was resignation (taslim),

that of Mosa(as) was contrition/returning towards allah  (inabat),

that of Dawood(as) was sorrow (huzn),

that of isa(as) was hope (raja),

that of yahya(as) was fear (khaw),

and that of our Apostle mohammed (saws) was praise (dhikr).

DYING BEFORE DEATH (This is the life which Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam desired for his Ummah).These attributes which are in the perfect state in the dying man(as is the position at the time of maut) are: Taubah (repentance)-to emerge from all evil .zuhd, (abstention)- to shun the world and everything in it. Qanaa’at (contentment)- abstention from lowly desires/ to be contented. tawakkul (trust in Allah)- to shun all abnormal worldly agencies . Azlat (solitude)- to sever all ties with creation. Tawajju I’lallaah (attention directed to Allah Ta’ala)-only Allah Ta’ala’s attention .sabr (patience)- to shun pleasures. Ridhaa (pleased with Allah)- to abstain from pleasing the nafs.Zikr (remembrance of Allah)- to submit in entirety to Allah Ta’ala.muraaqabah (meditation)-the body is on earth, but the rooh should be directed to the Aakhirah, and be in communion with Allah Ta’ala.

“HAL (state)” is that —–1.state which descends from Allah into a man’s heart. 2.It is not attainable by efforts neither it can be repelled with efforts when it happens. 3. denotes that favor and grace of Allah which descends on man’s heart without any mortification on his part.4.hal (state) is favor and grace of Lord. 5.hal (state) is gifted. 6.the man of hal (state) is dead to self and stands by a “state” which Allah creates for him. 7. “States are like flashes of lightning: their permanence is merely a suggestion of the lower soul.”8.satisfaction is the end of maqamat (stations) and the beginning of the ahwal (states). 9.It is such a stage whose one side rests on acquisition and effort,and the other side on love and longing. There is no maqam (station) above it and at this point mortification ceases. 10.Its beginning is through efforts and mortification and its end in on Divine’s gift and blessing. 11.It is likelihood that one who in the beginning keeps an eye on his rida (satisfaction) may consider it a maqam (station) and one who at the end see his Rida (satisfaction) through the Truth gives it the name of hal (state).

Alim e rabbani- face gives zikrullah ,hikmat e deen from books and ahkirat from deeds

Alim e rabbani-reflects noor of Allah from his face and his ilm is sadaqa e jaria

Ilm e nafae  gives sohabate Mustaphaﷺ

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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