Iman-Fitna Aspect

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



For a person to become a Muslim it is necessary for him or her to believe Islam as the true religion and not to reject any of it’s necessary aspects.

A person should also not have beliefs contradictory or against the religion’s necessary aspects (Zaroriyaat-e-Deen).

To reject Qiyamat, Angels, Jannat, Dozakh, Hisab, or not to believe that Salaah, Saum, Zakaah or Hajj is Fardh (obligatory) would make one out of the folds of Islam.It is also Kufr not to believe that the Holy Quran is the Words of Allah Ta’ala.To insult the Holy Ka’aba, the Holy Quran, or any of the Prophets or Angels is also Kufr.To degrade any of the Sunnats (actions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ), to make jokes of the orders of Shari’ah (Islamic law) or to reject or suspect it untrue any known and recognised aspects of Islam is also definitely Kufr. Whoever performs a prayer of forgiveness for a dead Kaafir are themselves Kaafirs.

A Muslim must love and respect all those who are the beloved of Allah Ta ala and His Rasool (ﷺ) even though that person may be his enemy.He must disrespect and hate all those who disrespect and hate Allah Ta ala and His Rasool (ﷺ) even if that person may be his beloved son.

Whether he cannot pray the Kalima (submission into Islam) properly he is still a Muslim and not a Kaafir. Therefore, if he misses Salaah, Saum, Hajj, etc. he will be a grave sinner, but will remain a Muslim.

Whatever is without doubt Haraam (forbidden) and to believe it as Halaal (allowed), and to believe something Haraam, which is no doubt Halaal, is Kufr.

Iman as conviction in heart –Iman becomes part of all good deeds or all good deeds become part of Iman. 

To be a Muslim, it is also compulsory not to verbally reject anything which is from amongst the necessities of Deen.

A Muslim can never utter words of kufr and only he will utter such words of kufr, who harbors such thoughts in his heart.

To say that to be haraam, which is prove to be halaal from the Quran and to say something which is ordained as haraam to be halaal is Kufr

Imaan is declaration and a declaration is a condition of submission. In certain verses of the Quran Allah azzawajal has mentioned enhanced Imaan. This refers to faith with true conviction in Imaan (It does not mean that the value of Imaan is more. It however does signify the strength of Imaan).

There is difference in the strength and weakness of Imaan of every individual ..There is no increasing or lessening in Imaan. There is no increasing or lessening in Imaan. Only that which has form, shape, height, width and length can be increased or lessened and Imaan is pure of all these.

There is no relationship between belief and unbelief. A person will either be a Muslim or a Kaafir.

Nifaaq (Hypocrisy), in other words to make the verbal claim of Imaan yet reject it in the heart is also kufr. The lowest level of Jahanum has been prepared for such people.

To call a Muslim a Muslim and a Kaafir a Kaafir is from the necessities of Deen. To doubt the Kufr of any person who openly made kufr also causes one to become a kaafir. The law of Shariah is passed on that which is apparent and not that which is not known,

 If a Muslim dies and he did not openly reject any necessities of Deen, then we will treat him as a Muslim even after his death.

One who commits major sin is still a Muslim and he will not be deprived of Jannat. This will be through the Grace of Allah and the intercession of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ), or after getting some punishment for some of his deeds.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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