Ilm e Ghaib-Types

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ilm e ghaib

People may be

1. jahl (ignorance)-to absolutely not know something

2. nisyaan (forgetfulness) –to previously have known something which did not stay in memory.

3. zuhool(abstractedness)- to have something in memory but not pay attention to it.

ghaafil is one who has knowledge of an incident but doesnot pay any attention towards it.

Quran defends hadrat adam (as) as “ he forgot and did not find any intent on his part” however it was divine will he experiences forgetfulness(nisyaan).

When we know from hadith that people will look for intercessor on the day of judgement they run from 1 prophet to another and final go to rasoolallah ﷺ for intercession .when  we know this will happen (through hadith)- why do we don’t go to rasoolallah ﷺdirectly ?–this is example of abstractedness.

(zuhool-ie not paying attention to some thing )so like if the holy prophet ﷺ doesnot answer something immdiately zuhool is possible reason for this.ignorance is not proven.

 “even though you were unconcerned about the incident of yusuf (as) before this –11/17.

hadrat yaqoob (as) said “I know from allah ﷻ those things which you do not know” 12/86.

5/15 —proves the holy prophet ﷺ had complete knowledge of all other revealed books.

Nabi means he who communicates the unseen.

The holy prophet ﷺ was bestowed with the knowledge of unseen itself before his birth because prior to it ,he was a nabi in the realm of the souls (alam e arwah).

When hadrat jibreal as  came to the cave of hira for the first time he submitted to the prophet ﷺ “read “ he didn’t say read this certain ayat. Read is only said to the person who knows . the holy prophet ﷺ answered “iam not a learner meaning iam the teacher and have already learnt” .the lawhe mahfooz contains the holy quran and was incorporated in the knowledge of the the holy prophet ﷺ from before .he was nabi prior to his birth and the recipient of the quran.

As soon as the the holy prophet ﷺ was born he went into sajdah and interceded for his ummah whereas sajdah and shafaat are both commands of the quran. acting upon the holy quran was a natural habit of the holy prophet ﷺ from birth.

like hadrat esa as said as soon as he was born “ allah has given me the kitaab(ingil)”.hadrat esa proved the innocence of his mother hadrat maryam and he has marifat that his rabb is allah ﷻ even at time of entry into this world. This proves that he knew of his book from this time.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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