Ilm e Ghaib-Abu Huraira(ra)

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Ilm e ghaib


Hadrath abu haurairah ra states “the holy prophet ﷺ blessed me with 2 type of knowledge .the first is that which I have propagated if I have to distribute the second type however you people would slay my neck– mishkaat kitaabul ilm section2.

divine secrets have been concealed from unworthy.

Whenever a refuter of Ilm-e-Ghaib produces a proof,the following are necessary to be bared in mind. – Izaahatul-Aib, Pg. 4

1. The ayat must be qateeud-dalaotat, i.e. a few other possibilities in meaning cannot arise from it. If it is a Hadith, it should be transmitted (mutawatir).

2. The verse or hadith must negate knowledge having been bestowed. e.g. “We have not given or by the Holy Prophetﷺ saying.”I have not been granted this knowledge.”

3. Merely not disclosing something is not sufficient. It is possible for the Holy Prophetﷺ to have its knowledge but not reveal it based on his wisdom. Similarly, by Rasoolullahﷺ saying, “Only Allah(swt) knows; No one knows besides Allah(swt) What do I know? etc:’ is also not sufficient as these utterances are sometimes used to negate llm-e-Zaati (Allah’s(swt) unique knowledge) or to silence the person spoken to.

4. Whatever’s knowledge is negated has to have been an incident that occurred and should be until Qiyaamat. Otherwise, we also do not claim the knowledge of all incidents after Qiyaamat.


Those Ayats, Ahadith or rulings of the Jurists (Fuqaha) that negate the Prophet’s ﷺknowledge of the unseen reject either original (zaati) knowledge or absolute information, i.e. information equal to Allah’s(swt) Bestowed (ataa’i) knowledge is not negated.

what is the meaning of these  ayats?

1.“indeed we have clearly opened it for you” 48/1

2. sovereignty is only for allah ﷻ –6/57

3.”all things in the heaven and earth belong to allah ﷻ-4/171

4.allah ﷻ is sufficient as a witness” 48/28

5.allah ﷻ is a sufficient wakeel (one with authority)-4/171

6.allah ﷻ alone is sufficient to take account-33/39

these verses prove that dominion ruling ownership testification being an authority and taking account are all inherent qualities of allah ﷻ ,how then can an Islamic king claim governance and rule? How do people become owners of their possessions?why are mushriks granted power of attorney?why are people made judges and witnesses in trails?

These qualities are given by allah ﷻ to the people.Same way original (zaati) knowledge is negated and successive (ataai) knowledge is proven in them.The Holy quran says” whatever we reveal to you as account of the messengers is for your heart to be reinforced” –11/120.

Physical eyes belong to aalam e shahadat .soul belongs to alaam e amr ,the holy prophet ﷺ did not only travel through the aalame amr but became part of it and saw his rabb ﷻ .how then can the reality of soul be concealed to him?

like hadrath esa (as) came in the world as half human and half ruh because sayyidah maryam (ra) was human .Quran says we sent to maryam (ra) our rooh ( ie jibreal ) breath occurred as a result of hadrat jibreal’s breath as result both qualities are present with in him.

hadrat esa (as) birth is from noor of  our prophet ﷺ so effectively  its as if our  prophet ﷺ  is rooh from head to toe .when holy prophet can recognizes allah ﷻ ,how can the reality of the soul be obscured from him? Holy prophet ﷺ is rooh kul and our rooh is juzzz.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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