Ilm e Ghaib-Aalam

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ilm e ghaib

Ahadith also prove that the entire creation (aalam) is seen by the Holy Prophetﷺ as simply as him looking at his hand.

Creation (Aalam) refers to everything besides Allah(swt) .Thus, the Creation of Ajsaam (physical world), Arwaah (abode of the souls), lmkaan (possible realm), Malaaik (Realm of the Angels), Arsh, etc. – in fact, everything- is encompassed by the Holy Prophet

The Lawhe-Mahfooz on which all affairs are noted is also found in the creation.whatever is done privately in the veil of the night’s darkness is also not hidden from Rasoolullahﷺ, as he informed Hadrat Abdullah (ra) that his father was Huzai fah.

The Five Special Ghaibs (Uloome-Khamsa) are also confirmed to be known by him.

The Holy Prophetﷺ is the most major Khaleefa of the Sultanate of Allah(swt), Who has also appointed him as the Haakim of His Divine Dominion. This necessitates two things – knowledge & authority.

The Khilafat (succession) of Hadrat Adam (as) was proven by Allah(swt) through his knowledge (i.e. an excessive amount of it suitable for his khilaafat of Allah(swt) was given). Thereafter, making the angels prostrate to him is indicative of his unique authority, that even they make sajda to him.

Rasoolullahﷺ is the Nabi for the Entire Creation, from the Farsh (earth) to the Arsh. All of creation are his Ummatis. Hence, it is necessary that he be given more knowledge and power than all of the Ambiya.

That is why he demonstrated numerous prophetic miracles (mu’jizas), e.g. he split the moon in two, brought back the set sun, etc. This was all a display of his Divinely bestowed authority.

For a few years, if a person sits in the company of an accomplished teacher, he becomes an Aalim (learned person). Prior to his birth, the Prophet spent millions of years in the special attention of Allah(swt). How can he not be a perfect Aalim?

When Allah(swt) is the perfect Bestower, the Noble Messenger is the most graceful taker, the Quran is the most consummate book and there is none more beloved than Sayyiduna Muhamamad Mustaphaﷺ how can this knowledge be defective?

Allah(swt) states, “الرحمن ، علم القرآن” -55/1-2

The most unseen of the unseens is the being (zaat) of Allah(swt) . Hadrat Musa (as) expressed his desire to see Him but was told, “You will not be able to see”-7/143 .when our beloved prophet ﷺ saw his rabb and creator with his blessed physical eyes on the night of meraj,what thing from the creation can now be hidden to him?

Through the blessings (sadaqa) of the prophet ﷺ that saints are also bestowed with this knowledge.

Hadith states “beware the acumen of a mumin for he sees through the noor of allah ﷻ and also allah ﷻ states “I become his eyes through which he sees .(hadith e qudsi)

Hadrath abu hurairah ra narrates –allah ﷻ states when I begin to love this servant ,I become his ears through which he hears ,his eyes through which he sees his hands through which he gives and takes and his feet by which he travels.-miskaat vol1 kitaabud daawaat baabu zikrillah wat taqarub with ref to bukhari.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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