
Guidance, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



1.niyyat/maqsad (for seeking Allah’s pleasure)

2.right path/sirate mustaqeem

3.goal is to seek Allah alone.

Niyyat means maqsad/objective =to please and seek Allah alone

Perfect /kamil hidayat =to seek Allah alone.

Niyyat means intention of qalb.

Heart is for marifat/understanding not for duniya.

Niyyat is everlasting and deeds are not everlasting.

Riya/show off/hypocrisy destroys deeds.

Niyyat can be related to many deeds and deeds cannot be related to many intentions.

No intention for dua/zikr/recitation of quran but differentiating zakat and sadaqa.

Good intention cannot be accepted if the means are contradict to islam.

Deeds of heart are superior to the deeds of other body parts.

People see the action and Allah sees the intention


To please/raza Allah alone (don’t see the act/person/yourself(riya/showoff))

To follow sunnah

To be a true servant of  the prophet(To reform yourself).

More the number of intention more is the reward for 1 deed/action

Not for worldly gains (only to seek allah’s pleasure)

Iqlas (for allah)—–Niyyat(for allah)—amal/deeds(for allah)

Going out =ask for shahadat

Work =for earning halaal

Eating/sleeping =to gain strength for doing ibadat.

Graveyard =to seek forgiveness

Pious =to meet allah’s friend

Prayer= for next prayer/salah

Masjid=itikaf e masjid

Leaving Sins =fearing Allah and punishment in ahkirah.

Helping people =to please allah (don’t see the act/person/yourself)

Gathering =avoiding because people must be free from my mischief’s

Learning =for kidmate deen as a talib e ilm.

To spread word of haqq/truth.


Those who trust amal(I/MYSELF/NAFS/DEEDS)=loser’s(amal/deeds doesn’t take you to jannah,its Allah’s fazal/grace)

Those who trust duniya =open loser (pleasing duniya causes loss of ahkirat)

People trusting fazal/grace of Allah= winners in form of jannah (fazal is neymat and neymat is a veil) .jannat waste without deedar of Allah

People trusting Allah alone (zaat e elahi)= winners in form of qurb/raza/mahaboobiat +deedar e elahi(sight on Allah) (kamil/perfect)

Saving yourself from sins =good ahkirat.

Islah e nafs =gives qurbiat/nearness of Allah

At the age of 33=peak of physical strength

At the age of 40=peak of knowledge /wisdom + good deeds must overcome bad deeds(islah e nafs or else your lost)

Saving ahkirat= saving iman+amaal/truth +haqq/truth +sabr/pateince

Ignore waswas/temtations at the first instance itself (shaitan creates waswas/temptation, nafs follows bad ,always good is from Allah)

No self promises just keep apposing nafs.

Ahle taufiq/guided are ahle muhabbat/love (ibadat with love)

Don’t ask for unveiling of beauty of Allah, its his wish just keep proving servanthood/abdiat.

Keep your attention on zaat/essence not on mazar/reflection (rewards)

Desire/talab is also pardah/veil BUT taubah =turning towards Allah

(Apparent/hidden )Zaahir/baatin both must be same (sometimes good baatin reflects good zaahir).

Change haal/ahwal (state of heart/islah e nafs )for acceptance of amaal

Barakah is in following sunnah .

How you perceive a thing makes a different =ahklaq

Always feel yourself lower than opposite person with respect to status/ilm/power/ahklaq/ibadat etc etc

Just be liberal/forgiving ,keep smiling face , don’t compare yourself with others and think others are far better than you in the sight of Allah.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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