Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 84-93 (84-20-93-11)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

84/20-21. So, what is the matter with them that (even after witnessing the truth of the forecast of the Qur’an), they do not believe? And when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not fall down prostrate (before Allah)?

84/25. But those who believe and do pious deeds, for them is an unending (i.e., everlasting) reward.

85/11. And indeed, those who believe and keep doing pious deeds, for them are Gardens with streams flowing under them. This is the great victory.

85/20-22. And Allah encompasses (them) from all sides. It is indeed the Glorious Qur’an, (Inscribed) in the very Well-guarded Tablet (al-Lawh al-Mahfuz).

86/13. This is indeed a decisive (i.e., absolute) commandment. And it is no joke!

87/6-8. (O Esteemed Beloved!) We shall teach you (in a way) that nothing will you (ever) forget, Except what Allah wills. Indeed, He knows all, the manifest as well as the hidden (i.e., open to human perception as well as veiled from it, and the audible and the inaudible). And We shall (also) facilitate you (to put into practice this) easy (law)

87/9-11. So keep admonishing, provided admonition benefits (the listeners). But only he who fears (Allah) will accept the admonition. And the wretched one will avoid and evade it,

87/14-17. Indeed, only he who is purified (from the afflictions of his ill-commanding self and pollution of sins) will triumph, And the one who remembers the Name of his Lord and offers Prayers (regularly and abundantly). Yet you go for the (pleasures of) the worldly life (instead of turning towards Allah), Whereas (the comfort and pleasure of) the Hereafter is preferable and everlasting.

89/15-19. But as for man, when his Lord tests him (by providing him pleasure and comfort) and honours him and gives him bounties, he says: ‘My Lord has honoured me.’ But when He tries him (by afflicting him with pain and discomfort) and limits his means of sustenance, he says: ‘My Lord has humiliated me.’ No indeed! But (the truth is that after you gain honour and good fortune), you do not give honour and care to orphans. Nor do you inspire one another (in society) to promote the feeding of the destitute (i.e., the poor and the needy). And you lay hand on the inherited wealth and devour it (yourselves and do not pay the poverty-stricken their due). And you love wealth and riches inordinately.

89/27-30. O contented (pleased) self! Return to your Lord in such a state that you are both the aspirant to, and the aspired of, His pleasure (i.e., you seek His pleasure and He seeks yours). So join My (perfect) servants. And enter My Paradise (of nearness and sight).

90/4. Indeed, We have created man (ever suffering) in rigours.

90/11-18. But he has not yet attempted the steep ascent (of the Din [Religion]) of truth and the practical life dedicated to good and piety). And what have you thought of the steep ascent (of the rigours of the Din [Religion] of truth)? It is freeing a neck (from slavery and subjugation), Or feeding on a day of scarcity (the poor and the needy during famine and scarcity i.e., striving to put an end to their sufferings and economic crises), The orphaned relative, Or the poverty-stricken destitute who is completely rundown (and homeless). (Provided this striving soul is) one of those who believe and advise one another patience and tolerance and urge one another for mutual affection and mercy. These are the people of the Right Hand (i.e., the privileged and the pardoned).

91/7-10. And by the human soul and by the One Who provided it with an all-dimensional poise, proportion and perfection, Then He inspired it with (discrimination between) vice and virtue, Indeed, the one who purifies his (ill-commanding) self (from all vain and vicious desires and cultivates in it virtue and piousness) succeeds, But the one who corrupts himself (in sins and suppresses virtue) is doomed indeed.

92/4-12. Indeed, your striving is different (and singular). So he who gives away (his wealth in the way of Allah) and commits himself to piousness, And affirms the good (the Din [Religion]) of truth and life after death through charity and Godwariness), Soon We shall facilitate him in seeking (Allah’s pleasure) with ease. But he who is miser and disregards (spending in the cause of Allah), And (in this way) denies the good (the Din [Religion]) of truth and afterlife), Soon shall We facilitate his landing into hardship (advancing towards torment, so that punishment becomes his rightful due). And his wealth will not help him any way when he falls into (the pit of) destruction. Indeed, it is binding on Us to show you the path (of truth).

92/18-21. Who gives his wealth away (in the cause of Allah) to attain to purity (of his soul and assets), And who owes no favour to anyone that he is seeking to pay back. Rather (he spends) seeking the pleasure of his Lord, Most High. And soon shall he be well-pleased (with Allah for His bestowal and Allah with him for his fidelity).

93/3-5. (Ever since He has chosen you,) your Lord has not forsaken you. Nor is He displeased (ever since He has taken you as His Beloved). Indeed, every following hour is a better (source of eminence and exaltation) for you than the preceding one. And soon your Lord shall bestow upon you (so much) that you will be well-pleased.

93/6-11. (O Beloved!) Did He not find you an orphan, and then provided you (a dignifying and graceful) abode? Or Did He not find you (compassionate) and provided (in your person) a shelter for orphans? And He found you engrossed and lost in His love and then made you achieve the coveted objective. Or And He found in you (a leader) for a straying people so He provided them guidance (through you). And He found you seeking (closeness with your Lord), and (then blessed you with the pleasure of His sight and) freed you of every need (forever). Or And He found you compassionate and benevolent, then (through you) made the destitute non-liable. So, never should you be strict with any orphan, Nor reproach any beggar (seeking help at your door), And proclaim (well) the bounties of your Lord.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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