Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 7 and 8 (7-180- 8-23)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

7/180. And the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah alone, so call on Him by these Names. And leave aside those people who turn away from the truth with regard to His Names. Soon will they be punished for the (impious acts) that they perpetrate.

7/181. And of those whom We have created there is (also) a section (of people) who direct others towards the truth, and alongside that make judgments based on justice.

7/186. There is no guide for the one whom Allah holds astray. And He leaves them to wander in defiance so that they may grope on.

7/188. (Also) tell (them): ‘I do not have any control over profit and loss for myself, except (that much) which Allah wills. And (in the same way) if I had the knowledge of the Unseen on my own (without Allah’s bestowal), I would myself have managed abundant good fortune (and victories), and no hardship (and trouble on any occasion) would have touched me. (By virtue of my station as a Messenger) I am only a Warner and a Bearer of glad tidings for the believers.’

7/191-198. Do they associate as partners with Him those who cannot create anything and have (themselves) been created? Neither do they have power to help these (polytheists), nor can they help even themselves. And if you call them to (the path of) guidance, they will not follow you. For you, it is all the same whether you call them (towards guidance and truth) or you remain silent. Surely, those (idols) whom you worship besides Allah are also slaves (of Allah) just like you. So when you call on them, they should answer you if you are true (in making them gods). Do they have feet to walk with or hands to hold with or eyes to see with or ears to hear with? Say: ‘(O disbelievers!) Call your (false) partners (for my destruction). Then execute (your) plot against me and do not give me any respite. Indeed, my Helper is Allah, Who has revealed the Book, and He is the One Who also protects and helps the pious. And the (idols) whom you worship besides Him have no power to help you, nor can they help themselves.’ And if you call them towards guidance, they cannot (even) hear. And you see these (idols are sculptured in such a way) as if they were looking at you, whereas they do not see (anything).

7/200-202. And, (O man,) if some evil impulse from Satan provokes you (against these matters), seek refuge with Allah. Undoubtedly, He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Surely, those who have adopted piety, when some temptation from Satan touches them, they actively remember (the commands and prohibitions of Allah and the wickedness and hostility of Satan). So, the eyes (of their hearts) open up right away. And (as for) the brothers of these satans, they draw them deeper into error (by whispering suspicions) and do not slacken (in promoting mischief and bloodshed).

7/204. And when the Qur’an is recited, listen to it attentively, and observe silence so that mercy may be bestowed upon you.

7/205. And remember your Lord in your heart with humility and tearful submissiveness and fear and repentance and also by calling in low tones. (Persevere with His remembrance) morning and evening and be not of the neglectful.

8/1. (O Esteemed Messenger!) They ask you about the spoils of war. Say: ‘The spoils belong to Allah and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). So, fear Allah and keep your mutual matters set aright, and obey Allah and His Messenger if you are believers.’

8/2,3,4. The believers are only those whose hearts, when Allah is mentioned (before them), are filled with awe (at the very idea of Allah’s Greatness and Might). And when His Revelations are recited to them, they (the ecstatic, delightful, sweet and sublime Words of the Beloved) increase their faith, and they (maintain) their trust in their Lord alone (under all circumstances, and do not look towards anyone other than Him). (They) are those who establish Prayer, and spend (in the cause of Allah) out of whatever We have bestowed upon them. It is they who are (in fact) the true believers. For them are (high) ranks with their Lord and forgiveness and an honourable provision.

8/13. That is because they defied Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). And he who defies Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him), then surely Allah will seize (him) with severe torment.

8/17. (O soldiers of the Army of Islam!) It is not you who killed the disbelievers (who initiated war against you) but it is Allah Who killed them, and, (O Glorious Beloved,) when you smote (them with pebbles), it was not you who smote them, but Allah smote, (so) that He confers upon the believers great favours from Him. Allah is indeed All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

8/22,23. Surely, the worst of the living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb who (neither listen to nor speak the truth and) also do not understand (the truth). And had Allah known even a little (inclination towards) good in them, He would (certainly) have made them hear. But (their state of mind is such that) if He makes them hear (the truth), they will (even then) turn away, and they are those who are averse (to the truth).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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