Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 6(100-151)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

6/100. And these (disbelievers) associate jinn as partners with Allah, whereas He is the One Who has created them. And (also) without knowledge (and reason), they falsely attribute sons and daughters to Allah. Holy is He and far Exalted above (all) that they attribute (to Him).

6/102-103. That is (Allah) your Sustainer; none has the right to be worshipped except He. (He is) the Creator of everything. So worship Him alone, and He is the Protector of everything. No vision can grasp His Sight, but He has encompassed all vision and eyesight. And He is the All-Penetrating Viewer, All-Aware.

6/105. And it is this way We elucidate (Our) Verses repeatedly (diversifying the styles) so that they (the disbelievers) may exclaim: ‘You have studied (from somewhere),’ and that We make it clear to the people who are prone to learn.

6/117. Surely, your Lord alone knows best the one who strays away from His path, and only He knows best the rightly guided (as well).

6/118. So always eat of that (slaughtered animal) over which the Name of Allah has been pronounced (at the time of slaughter) if you believe in His Revelations.

6/120. And give up all the sins of body and of heart (i.e., both open and secret). Indeed, those who are earning sins will soon be punished for (the evil works) that they used to perpetrate.

6/121. And do not eat of (the meat of the animal) over which the Name of Allah has not been pronounced (at the time of slaughter). Verily, it is a sin (to eat that meat). And surely, the devils keep pouring (doubts) into the hearts of their companions so that they may dispute with you. And if you follow their instructions, (then) you will also become polytheists.

6/122. Can he who was dead (i.e., devoid of faith), then We gave him life (by guidance) and created for him the light (of faith and gnosis), and (now) by means of that, he walks amongst (the rest of) the people (also to spread that light) be like the one who is steeped in the darkness of (ignorance and error in such a way) that he can by no means come out of it? Likewise, the actions disbelievers keep doing are made alluring and attractive (in their sight)

6/124. And when a sign comes to them, they say: ‘We shall never believe until we too are given (a sign) like the one bestowed upon the Messengers of Allah.’ Allah knows best whom He is to assign the station of His Messengership. Soon the criminals will face humiliation before Allah, and (will undergo) a severe torment as well because they used to defraud (and deceive).

6/126. And this (Islam) is the (only) straight path of your Lord. Verily, We have clearly explained Revelations in detail for those who accept direction and guidance.

6/ 127. For them is the home of peace and security with their Lord. And He is the One Who is their Protector because of the (pious) deeds which they used to do.

6/130. O community of jinn and men! Did Messengers not come to you from amongst yourselves reciting My Verses to you, and warning you of your appearance (before Me) this Day? They will say: ‘We bear witness against our own souls.’ The life of the world had caught them in deception, and they will bear witness (to this effect) against themselves that (in the world) they were disbelievers (i.e., the beliers of the truth).

6/131. This (sending of the Messengers) was because your Lord would not destroy the towns due to injustice whilst the people living there were (absolutely) unaware (of the teachings of the truth, i.e., no one made them acquainted with the truth).

6/132. And there are ranks (determined) for all according to their works, and your Lord is not unaware (of the works) they do.

6/136. They have fixed for Allah a share of the same (things) that He has produced of crops and cattle. Then, out of their (false) speculation, they say: ‘This share is for Allah and that for our (so-called) partners.’ Then (the share) meant for their partners does not reach Allah, and that (portion) which is for Allah reaches their partners. What an evil judgment (they) are making!

6/139. And they (also) say: ‘The (offspring) in the wombs of these cattle is exclusively for our men but forbidden to our women, and if that (offspring) is stillborn, then they (men and women) all are partners in it.’ Soon He will punish them for their (invented) dogmas. He is indeed Most Wise, All-Knowing.

6/140. Certainly, ruined are they who kill their children without (true) knowledge out of (sheer) foolishness, and make those (things) unlawful which Allah has bestowed upon them (as sustenance), inventing a lie against Allah. They have certainly lost the straight path and could not be rightly guided.

6/147. Should they belie you, then say: ‘Your Lord is the Lord of infinite mercy, but His torment will not be averted from the evildoers.’

6/149. Say: ‘Only Allah’s is the irrefutable proof. So, if He had willed (to force you), He would have made all of you guidance-bound.’

6/151. Say: ‘Come, I will recite to you those things which your Lord has forbidden to you: Do not set up anything as a partner with Him; be morally excellent with parents; and do not kill your children owing to poverty. We alone give you sustenance and (will provide for) them as well. And do not draw near to shameful deeds (whether) open or hidden. And do not kill the soul whose (killing) Allah has forbidden, except when it is rightfully due (according to law in self-defence against disruption and whilst combating terrorism). It is these (injunctions) He has enjoined upon you so that you may apply reason.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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