Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 49-50 (49-6-50-37)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

49/6. O believers! If some wicked person brings you any news, inquire thoroughly into its truth (lest) you should cause (undue) harm to a people unknowingly, and later feel regret for what you have done.

49/7. And remember that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) is amongst you. If he accepted what you say in most of the matters, you would be in serious trouble. But Allah has blessed you with the love of faith and has embelished it in your hearts and has made you hate disbelief, disobedience and sins. Such are they that follow the path of Din (Religion) resolutely and steadfastly.

49/10. The truth is that (all) believers are brothers (to one another). So make peace between your two brothers and always fear Allah, so that you may be shown mercy.

49/11. O believers! Let no community ridicule another community. It is likely that they may be better than those (who ridicule). Nor should women make fun of other women. It is likely that they may be better than those (who make fun). And do not offend or find fault with one another, nor call each other names. Calling someone wicked or indecent after (he embraces) faith is an extremely evil name. And those who do not turn to Allah in repentance, it is they who are the wrongdoers.

49/12. O believers! Avoid most conjectures. Indeed, some conjectures are sins (liable to punishment in the Hereafter). And spy not (on someone’s unknown matters or secrets), nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it. And fear Allah (in all such matters). Indeed, Allah is Ever-Returning, Ever-Merciful.

49/13. O people! We created you from a male and a female, and (divided) you into (large) peoples and tribes, so that you might recognize one another. Surely, the most honourable amongst you in the sight of Allah is he who fears Allah the most. Certainly, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

49/14-18. The Bedouins say: ‘We have believed.’ Say: ‘You have not believed. Rather say: We have accepted Islam. And the belief has not yet gone into your hearts. If you obey Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him), He will not decrease anything (in reward) for your deeds. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’ The true believers are only those who have believed in Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and then never have any doubt, and who fight in the way of Allah with their material as well as human resources. It is they who are true (in their claim to believe). Say: ‘Are you trying to show off to Allah your Din (Religion) whilst Allah knows all that is in the heavens and in the earth? And Allah is Well Aware of everything.’ These people are showing off to you that they have done a favour to you by embracing Islam. Say: ‘Do not show off your Islam as a favour to me. Instead, Allah is the One Who favours you by guiding you to faith, provided you are true (to belief).’ Surely, Allah knows all the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and Allah monitors best whatever you do.

50/2-5. But they wondered that a Warner had come to them from amongst themselves. So the disbelievers say: ‘This is strange! Is it that when we are dead and have become dust (then we shall become alive again)? This return is far (from understanding and perception).’ Definitely, We know how much the earth (eats up and) consumes their (bodies), and We have a Book wherein everything is preserved. But (strange and far from understanding is this that) they denied the truth (i.e., the Messenger and the Qur’an) when it came to them. So they have themselves stepped into anxiety and confusion.

50/16. And assuredly, We created man and We know (also) the doubts which his (ill-commanding) self puts (into his heart and mind). And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.

50/17-18. When the two receivers receive (the recording angels write down his every communication and work), sitting on the right and on the left, Not a word does he utter but a watcher is there beside him ready (to write it).

50/21-30. And every soul will appear (before Our presence), one (angel) forcing it forward and (the other) a witness (to its actions). The truth is that you were negligent of this (Day), so We have removed your veil (of negligence) and Today your sight is sharp. And his close companion (angel) will say: ‘That is what I have ready (for you).’ (It will be commanded:) ‘Both of you hurl into Hell every (such) ungrateful rebel, That hinders from good, exceeds the limits, doubts and puts into doubt, That had set up another god besides Allah. So hurl him into a fierce torment.’ (Now) his (other) companion (Satan) will say: ‘O our Lord, I did not misguide him. In fact, he was himself suffering from misguidance of extreme degree.’ Allah will say: ‘Do not dispute in My presence whilst I have already sent you the warning (of punishment). The command is never changed in My presence. Nor do I wrong the servants.’ That Day We shall ask Hell: ‘Are you filled up?’ And it will say: ‘Is there any more?’

50/31-34. And Paradise will be brought close to the pious; it will not be distant at all. (And it will be said to them:) ‘This is what you were promised; (it is meant) for everyone who turns to Allah in repentance and who guards (his Din [Religion] and faith), Who fears the Most Kind (Lord) unseen, and comes (before the presence of Allah) with a heart turned in repentance. Enter it in peace; this is the Day of Eternity.’

50/37. There is indeed sure warning and admonition in it for him who has a heart (vigilant and awake, far from negligence,) or listens with active attention (i.e., focuses attention having no contact with anyone other than Allah) and is in a state of (spiritual) vision (i.e., remains lost in the effulgent disclosures of Allah’s absolute beauty).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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