Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 44-46 (44-8-46-18)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

44/8-9. There is no God but He. He is the One Who gives life and causes death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your fathers (as well). Yet they are in doubt, busy playing.

44/13-14. How can their acceptance of the admonition now be (of any use), whereas there came to them a Messenger with a clear exposition? But they turned their faces from him and (denigrating) they said: ‘(He) is a tutored madman.’

44/38-39. And We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them merely in sport. We have created them both with (the purpose and reason) of truth. But most of them do not know.

44/41-42. The Day when a friend shall not avail a friend at all, nor will they be helped, Except those to whom Allah has shown mercy. (They will intercede for one another.) Surely, He is Almighty, Ever-Merciful.

44/57-59. It is a bounty of your Lord (i.e., your Lord will bestow through your mediation alone). That is but a great success. So We have made this (Qur’an) easy in your own tongue so that they may take advice. So wait. Certainly, they (too) are waiting. (You will see Our revenge and their evil end, and they will see your glory and My favours to the believers through your mediation.)

45/9. And when he learns about any thing of Our Verses (of the Qur’an), he makes it a joke. It is they for whom there is humiliating torment.

45/11. This (Qur’an) is guidance. And for those who disbelieved in the Revelations of Allah is an extremely grievous torment in store.

45/14-15. Say to the believers to disregard those who neither hope for nor fear (the coming of) the Days of Allah, so that He may give them full reward of those (deeds) which they used to earn. Whoever does a righteous work does it for (the benefit of) his own soul, and whoever commits some evil act, then he alone is to face (suffering caused by it). Then all of you will be returned to your Lord.

45/20. This (Qur’an) contains proofs, which provide vision and lessons of warning to the people, and is guidance and mercy for those who believe with certitude.

45/23. Have you seen him who has made his desire his god and Allah has held him astray despite his knowledge and has sealed his ears and his heart and has blindfolded his eyes? Then who can guide him after Allah? So do you not accept advice?

45/24-26. And they say: ‘There is nothing (else) except our worldly life. We die and live here (only). And nothing kills us except (circumstances and occurrences of) time (i.e., they deny Allah and the Hereafter absolutely). And they simply do not have any knowledge of this (reality). They follow only their speculation and assumption. And when Our clear Verses are recited to them, they do not have any plea except to say: ‘Bring back our fathers (raised alive) if you are truthful.’ Say: ‘Allah is the One Who gives you life, and He is the One Who causes you to die. Then He will gather all of you towards the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. But most people do not know.’

45/29-31. This is Our record that will speak about you with absolute truth. Verily, We used to (preserve) by getting transcribed what you used to do.’ So those who believe and do good deeds, their Lord will admit them to His mercy. That is nothing but an evident success. And those who disbelieved (it will be said to them:) ‘Were My Verses not recited to you? But you showed arrogance and you were the evildoers.’

45/32-35. And when it was said: ‘The promise of Allah is true, and there is no doubt about (the coming of) the Last Hour,’ you used to say: ‘We do not know what the Last Hour is; we regard it nothing but a conjecture; nor do we have any faith in it.’ And all their evil works which they used to do will be exposed, and that (torment) which they used to make fun of will beset them. And it will be said (to them): ‘Today We forget you as you forgot your Meeting on this Day. And Hell is your abode and there will be no helper for you. That (is) so because you made fun of Allah’s Revelations, and the worldly life deceived you.’ So Today neither will they be taken out of that (Hell), nor will there be accepted from them any attempt to seek (Allah’s) pleasure by means of repentance.

46/4-6. Say: ‘Tell me of the (idols) you worship instead of Allah; show me what they have created in the earth, or (bring it forth if) they have a partnership in (the creation of) the heavens. Bring me (as a proof) any Book (revealed) before this (Qur’an), or some remnant of knowledge (transmitted from the bygone people), if you are truthful.’ And who can be more in error than someone who worships such (idols) apart from Allah as cannot answer (his question) till the Day of Resurrection? And those (idols) have no consciousness of their prayer and worship. And when mankind shall be gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), those (false gods) will be their enemies and will deny their worship (for their own absolution).

46/7-14. And when Our clear Verses are recited to them, (then) the disbelievers say about the truth (the Qur’an) whilst it has come to them: ‘This is obvious magic.’ Do they say that (the Messenger) has fabricated it (the Qur’an)? Say: ‘If I have concocted it, then you have no authority to save me from (the torment of) Allah. And He knows best the (words) you utter about this (Qur’an) as mockery. He (Allah) is Sufficient as witness between me and you. And He is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’ Say: ‘I am not the first Messenger (sent to mankind that no precedent of Messengership exists before me). Nor do I know of my own accord (i.e., purely by means of my own mental faculty and self-application) what will be done to me or what will be done to you. (My knowledge is nothing except that) I follow that revelation alone which is sent to me. (It is this that provides me knowledge about everything.) And I am simply a clear Warner (on the basis of this knowledge obtained through revelation). Say: ‘Tell me, if this (Qur’an) is from Allah and you deny it and a witness from the Children of Israel (also) bears testimony to the mention of (the revelation of) such a Book (in the Revealed Books revealed earlier), then he believes (in it as well), but (despite that) you show arrogance (then what will be your fate?) Surely, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.’ And the disbelievers said to the believers: ‘Had it (the Din of Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]) been a better (religion), these people would not have advanced towards it taking the lead over us. (We would have accepted it before anyone else.)’ And when they (the disbelievers) have not taken guidance from it (themselves), now they say: ‘This is an old lie (and a fabrication).’ And before it was the Book of Musa (Moses [the Torah]), a guide and mercy. And this Book confirms that. It is in the Arabic language to warn the wrongdoers and give good news to the pious. Surely, those who say: ‘Allah is our Lord,’ then hold fast (to it) have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve. They it is, the people of Paradise, who will live in it forever. This is the reward of the deeds they used to do.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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