Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 38 -39 (38-4-39-31)


“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

38/4-8. And they wondered that a Warner had come to them from amongst themselves and the disbelievers said: ‘He is a magician, a great liar. Has he turned all the gods into one God? That is indeed a very strange thing!’ And their chiefs (stood up terminating their meeting with the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him] at Abu Talib’s house) and walked out saying (to the rest of the people): ‘You also walk out, and be firm-footed in (worshipping) your gods. There is for sure some motive (and purpose) behind it. We have not heard of this (belief in the Oneness of God) even amongst the last community (of Christianity or the religion of the Quraysh). This is but a fabricated lie. Has this admonition (the Qur’an) been sent down to him alone out of all of us?’ To be more precise, they are (caught) in doubt about My admonition. But in truth they have not yet tasted My torment.

38/58-64. And there is also a variety of (torments of) similar nature. (The Guards of Hell or the inmates of Hell already there will say:) ‘This is an(other) army which is rushing into Hell along with you. There is no welcome for them. Surely, they (too) are about to enter Hell.’ They (the arrivals) will say: ‘In fact, it is you; may there be no reception for you! It is but you who brought us this (disbelief and torment). So (this) is an evil resting place.’ They will say: ‘O our Lord, the one who brought for us this (disbelief or torment), increase his torment in Hell twofold.’ And they will say: ‘What is the matter with us that we do not see (those) persons (here) we used to count amongst the evil people?’ Did we use to scoff at them (unjustly) or did our eyes miss (to recognize) them? (These were the sold-to-God divines like ‘Ammar, Khabab, Suhayb, Bilal and Salman, [may Allah be well pleased with all of them.]) Surely, this mutual dispute of the inmates of Hell is true.

39/2. Surely, We have revealed (this) Book to you with the truth. So worship Allah for His sake alone in sincere obedience.

39/3. (Say to the people:) ‘Listen! Sincere obedience and worship is only Allah’s due.’ And those (disbelievers) who have taken (idols as) helpers other than Allah (say in false justification of their idol-worship:) ‘We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.’ Surely, Allah will judge between them concerning the matter in which they differ. Certainly, Allah does not give guidance to the one who is a liar and highly ungrateful.

39/8. And when some suffering afflicts man, he turns to his Lord and cries out. Then when (Allah) grants him some blessing from Himself, he forgets that (suffering) which he used to beseech relief from. And (then) he sets up (idols) as partners with Allah to make (others also) lose His way. Say: ‘(O disbeliever,) profit a little (worldly gain) from your disbelief; you are certainly of the inmates of Hell.

39/9. Well! (Is this polytheist better or) that (believer) who worships during the hours of the night standing and in prostration, lives in fear of the Hereafter and expects mercy from his Lord?’ Say: ‘Can those who have knowledge and those who do not be alike?’ So only the wise do receive the admonition.

39/10. (O Beloved,) say (on My behalf), ‘O My servants, you who have believed, adopt Godwariness; it is for the men of spiritual excellence in this world that there is excellent reward. And Allah’s earth is vast. So the steadfast will certainly be given their reward without measure.’

39/11-16. Say: ‘I have been commanded to worship Allah in sincerest obedience and devotion to Him alone.’ And I was (also) commanded to become the first Muslim of all (His creation). Say: ‘If I disobeyed My Lord, I would fear the torment of a Terrible Day.’ Say: ‘I worship Allah alone making obedience purely for Him.So worship what you like besides Allah.’ Say: ‘Surely, losers are only those who will bring loss to their own souls and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Remember! That truly is the manifest loss. For them there will be clouds of fire (as covers) over them and pavements of fire beneath them too. This is (the torment) with which Allah warns His servants.’ O My servants! Always fear Me.

39/17-18. And those who kept off from idol-worship and turned to Allah, for them is good news. So give glad tidings to My servants. Those who listen attentively to what is said, then follow the best in it, it is they whom Allah has given guidance, and it is they who have wisdom.

39/22-23. Well! He whose breast Allah has opened for Islam is (stationed) in the light from his Lord. (But on the contrary) those whose hearts are hardened for (being deprived of the bounty of) Allah’s remembrance are destined to ruin. It is they who are in open error. Allah is the One Who has sent down the best Word. That is a Book whose contents are in harmony with one another (in format and meaning) and (whose Verses) are repeated frequently. It sends a hair-raising shudder in the bodies of those who fear their Lord. Then their skins and hearts get softened, and they get (absorbed) into the remembrance of Allah (in a weeping mood). It is guidance from Allah and He guides with it whom He wills. And he whom Allah holds misguided (i.e., leaves astray) has no one to guide him.

39/27. And truly, (to make the people understand,) We have given every kind of example in this Qur’an in order that they may take advice.

39/28. The Qur’an is in the Arabic language (which is the most comprehensive, lucid and communicative of all the languages) in which there is not even a bit of crookedness so that they may adopt Godwariness.

39/29-31. Allah has given an example of such a (slave) person that is owned by many partners who are ill-mannered and mutually quarrelsome as well. And (on the other side) there is a person who is a slave only to one master. Can they both be alike? (Not at all!) All praise belongs to Allah alone. But most of them do not know (the truth of the Oneness of Allah). (O My Esteemed Beloved!) Surely, you will pass away (only to taste death) but they will certainly die (for everlasting death. So the difference between the two deaths will be worth seeing). Then, certainly, on the Day of Resurrection you will dispute with one another in the presence of your Lord. (One party will say to the other: ‘You stopped us from understanding the station of the Prophet and the glory of the Messenger.’ They will reply: ‘No, you were yourselves ill-fated and misguided.’)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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