Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 28 to 30 (28-59-30-28)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

28/59. And your Lord does not destroy the towns until He sends to their capital city a Messenger who recites to them Our Verses. And We do not destroy towns unless their dwellers are given to oppression.

28/60. And whatever you have been given are but provisions of the worldly life, its charms and beauty. But what is (yet) with Allah is far better (than this) and eternal. Do you not understand (this fact)?

28/62-65. And the Day when (Allah) will call them and say: ‘Where are those that you regarded as My partners and considered them (gods)?’ The people against whom the command (of torment) has been proved will say: ‘O our Lord, it is these people who we misguided. We led them astray (the same way) as we (ourselves) lost the right path. We turn to You showing our disgust towards them and (in fact) they did not worship us. (They rather worshipped their lusts.)’ And it will be said (to them): ‘Call your (self-made) partners.’ So they will call them but they (the partners) will not respond to them and those people will see the torment. Would that they had taken guidance (in the world)! And the Day when (Allah) will call to them, He will say: ‘What answer did you serve to the Messengers?’

28/68. And your Lord creates whatever He wills and chooses (whom He pleases for Prophethood and for the right of intercession). These (disbelievers and polytheists) have no authority or choice (in this matter). Holy is Allah the Glorious and Exalted, far above (the false gods) that they associate as partners (with Allah)!

28/73. And it is out of His mercy that He has made night and day for you so that at night you may take rest and (during the day) you may seek His bounty (sustenance) and so that you may become grateful.

29/2-3. Do people think that they will be released (just) on saying: ‘We have believed,’ and they will not be tried? And surely, We tried (also) those who were before them. Allah will certainly show up (through trial) those who are truthful (in claiming beliefs), and shall make the liars (as well) stand out

29/5-7. Whoever hopes for meeting with Allah, then Allah’s appointed time is bound to come. And He alone is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. And whoever strives hard (for the cause of truth) strives for his own (benefit). Surely, Allah is independent of (the obedience, submission and struggles) of all the worlds. And those who believe and do pious deeds, We shall remove all their misdeeds from their (record), and We shall certainly give them a reward better than the deeds which they will have (actually) accomplished.

29/9. And those who believe and do pious deeds, then We shall certainly admit them to the (group) of the most pious.

29/45. (O Esteemed Beloved!) Recite the Book which has been revealed to you and establish prayer. Surely, prayer prohibits indecency and impiety; and verily, the remembrance of Allah is the greatest. And Allah knows whatever (deeds) you do.

29/48-51. And, (O Beloved,) you never recited any book before this, nor did you write it with your own hand in which case the disbelievers would certainly have doubted. But these are the clear Verses (of the Qur’an) that are (preserved) in the breasts of those who have been given (true) knowledge. And none other than the unjust deny Our Revelations. And the disbelievers say: ‘Why have signs not been sent down on him (the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him]) from his Lord?’ Say: ‘The signs are with Allah alone and I am simply an open Warner.’ Is this (sign) not enough for them that We have revealed to you (that) Book which is recited to them (or will always be recited)? Surely, in this (Book) there is mercy and direction and guidance for the believers.

29/57-59. Every soul is to taste death and then to Us you will be returned. And those who believe and persevere with right actions, We shall certainly house them in the upper palaces of Paradise with streams flowing beneath them; they will live there forever. What an excellent reward for those who do (constructive) works! (These are the people) who remain steadfast and always trust their Lord alone.

29/62. Allah increases sustenance for whom He pleases of His servants and restrains for whom He wills. Surely, Allah knows everything full well.

29/64. And, (O people,) the life of this world is nothing but sport and pastime and the Home of the Hereafter is the only (true) life. Would that they knew (this secret)!

29/69. And those who strive hard (and struggle against the lower self vehemently) for Our cause, We certainly guide them to Our ways, and verily Allah blesses the men of spiritual excellence with His companionship.

30/28. (To bring home the point of the Oneness of God) He has illustrated an example for you from your personal lives: Are those (slaves), whom you possess, your partners in the wealth which We have given you, that you (all) become equal sharers (owners? Moreover, do) you fear them as you fear one another? (No,) We explain the signs expressly in the same way for those who possess wisdom (that there is no partner of Allah also in His creation).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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