Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 2 (263-282)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

2/263. Polite conversation (with the needy) and extending tolerance are far better than charity followed by injuring (his) heart. And Allah is Self-Sufficient, Forbearing.

2/264-265. O believers! Do not ruin your charity donations (later) by taunts of doing favour and hurting feelings like the one who gives charity to show off his wealth to the people and believes in neither Allah nor the Last Day. His case is like a smooth rock covered with a thin coat of soil. Then heavy rain falls on it, washes it clean and leaves it (the same) bare and hard (rock). So these (pretentious people) shall get nothing out of their earning. And Allah does not guide the disbelievers.And those who spend their wealth to seek Allah’s pleasure and stabilize themselves (in faith and obedience) are like a garden located on a higher ground level. When a heavy rain falls on it, it doubles its yield. And if it does not receive a heavy rain, then even dew (or drizzle) is sufficient. And Allah monitors your actions minutely.

2/267. O believers! Spend (in the way of Allah) of your lawful and clean earnings and of that which We bring forth for you from the earth. And do not intend to spend (in the cause of Allah) from that which is unclean, for (if the same is given to you,) you yourselves would never accept it without closing your eyes to it. And you must know that Allah is certainly All-Sufficient, Worthy of All Praise.

2/268. Satan makes you afraid of poverty (to stop you from spending in the way of Allah) and enjoins you to commit indecency. And Allah promises you His forgiveness and bounty. And Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.

2/269. He blesses with wisdom whom He wills. And he who is granted wisdom (and reason) receives tremendous good. And only those who are endowed with wisdom and insight receive direction and guidance.

2/270. And whatever you spend or whatever you vow to offer, Allah verily knows it and the evildoers have no helpers.

2/271. If you give charity in public, it is worthwhile (for it will persuade others), but if you hide and deliver it to the poor in secret, that is (far) better for you. And Allah will remove from you some of your sins (due to this charity). And Allah is Well Aware of all that you do.

2/273. (Charity is) the right of those poor who have been restricted (from earning their livelihood) in the cause of Allah. They cannot even move about in the land (due to their whole time involvement in matters of Din [Religion]). Because of their (ascetic) aversion to greed, the unwise (knowing little about their state of heart and soul) consider them wealthy. You will recognize them from their appearance. They do not ask people (for help) at all lest they should humble themselves (before them). And whatever wealth you give in charity, Allah indeed knows it well.

2/274. Those who spend (in the cause of Allah) by night and day, privately or publicly, have their reward with their Lord. And (on the Day of Resurrection) they shall neither fear nor grieve.

2/275-276. Those who live on usury will not be able to stand (on the Day of Judgment), but like the one whom Satan has made insane with his touch (i.e., damnation). This is because they used to say that trade (i.e., buying and selling) is similar to usury, whereas Allah has declared trade (i.e., buying and selling) lawful and usury unlawful. So, if someone refrains (from usury) on receiving admonition from his Lord, then he can keep whatever he took in the past and his case is with Allah. But those who continued with usury (despite the admonition) would be the inmates of Hell. They will abide there permanently. Allah eliminates usury (i.e., deprives usurious profits of prosperous growth) and multiplies alms gifts (i.e., increases blessings of clean wealth manifold through charity donations). And Allah does not like anyone who is ungrateful and disobedient.

2/277. Surely, those who believe and do pious acts and establish Prayer and pay Zakat (the Alms-due) regularly have their reward with their Lord. And (on the Last Day) they will neither fear nor grieve.

2/278-281. O believers! Fear Allah and write off whatever balance remains of usury if you are believers (true to the core of your hearts).But if you do not do so, then be warned of the declaration of war from Allah and His Holy Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). And if you repent, then your principal amounts are (lawfully) yours. (In this case) you will neither do any wrong, nor be wronged. And if a debtor is under financial stress, he should be given respite till he feels at ease to pay. And your forgoing (the loan) is better for you if you know (what significance it has in the sight of Allah to console the poor).  And fear the Day when you will be returned to Allah. Then everyone will be paid in full for whatever he has done, and they will not be wronged.

2/282. O believers! Whenever you strike deals with one another for a fixed period, reduce the transaction to writing. And the scribe amongst you should write it with justice, and should not refuse to write as Allah has taught him to write. So he should write (i.e., meet the requirements of documentation with utmost honesty, in accordance with Islamic law). And he on whom the liability (i.e., debt) falls should dictate the contents of the contract. And he should fear Allah, Who is his Sustainer, and (whilst writing) he should not diminish anything (from the indebted sum). Then if he who has undertaken the liability is mentally deficient or physically weak or lacks the ability to dictate the contents, his guardian should dictate with fairness. And get two witnesses out of your own men. But if two men are not available, then a man and two women: (they) should be from amongst those whom you like as witnesses (i.e., consider trustworthy), so that if either of the two women forgets, the other may remind her. And the witnesses should not refuse whenever they are called (for evidence). And do not be weary of writing it down for its term, whether the transaction is small or large. This documentation by you is more just in the sight of Allah, and makes evidence more solid and nearer to keeping you from doubt, except that if transactions are hand-to-hand which you carry out amongst yourselves, then there is no sin on you if you do not write it down. And take witnesses whenever you bargain amongst yourselves. And let no harm be done to either the scribe or the witness, but if you do so, it will be sheer disobedience on your part. And keep fearing Allah. And Allah grants you knowledge (of the principles of mutual dealing) and Allah knows everything well.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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