Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 2 (142-173)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

2/142-145. Now the foolish will say: ‘What has turned away these (Muslims) from their Qibla (Bayt al-Maqdis in Jerusalem) to which they used to face (before)?’ Say: ‘The east and the west (all) belong to Allah alone. He guides whom He pleases to the straight path.’ And, in the same way, (O Muslims,) We made you the best Umma (Community—fair to all with a tolerant, moderate and balanced outlook) so that you may bear witness to the people, and (Our exalted) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) bears witness to you. And We appointed the Qibla (the direction of Prayer), which you used to face before, only to bring to light (by trial) who would follow (Our) Messenger and who would turn back upon his heels. And this (change of Qibla) was indeed a hard task, but not for those whom Allah blessed with guidance (and gnosis of spiritual truths). And it is not Allah’s Glory to void your faith (without any reason). Allah is surely Most Clement, Ever-Merciful to mankind.  (O Beloved!) We have been watching your radiant face turning frequently towards heaven. So We will indeed make you turn towards that Qibla (direction of Prayer) with which you feel pleased. So turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque now. And, wherever you are, (O Muslims,) turn your faces towards it. And those who have been given the Book definitely know that this (commandment of changing the Qibla) is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of the works they are doing.  And (even) if you bring every sign to the People of the Book, they will not follow your Qibla (direction of Prayer), nor will you follow their Qibla. And they do not follow each other’s Qibla amongst themselves. (Said for the education of the Umma [the Community]:) ‘And if, (supposing the impossible,) you (also) followed their desires after the knowledge had come to you, then you would surely be of those who wrong (their own souls).’

2/146. And those to whom We have given the Book recognize (the Final) Messenger (the Venerable Muhammad

[blessings and peace be upon him]

and his glory and majesty) as they doubtlessly identify their own sons. But certainly, a party of them is deliberately concealing the truth.

2/149-150. And from wherever you move (on a journey), turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque (at the time of Prayer). And this indeed is the truth from your Lord, and Allah is not unaware of your doings.  And from wherever you move (on a journey), turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque (at the time of Prayer) and, wherever you are, (O Muslims,) turn your faces towards it so that people may not get a chance to raise any objection against you, except those amongst them who exceed limits. So, fear them not, and fear Me alone, so that I complete My blessing on you and you may attain perfection in guidance.

2/151. Likewise, We have sent you (Our) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from amongst yourselves who recites to you Our Revelations and purifies and sanctifies (your hearts and ill-commanding selves) and teaches you the Book and inculcates in you logic and wisdom and enlightens you (on the mysteries of spiritual gnosis and divine truth) which you did not know.

2/152. So remember Me, I shall remember you. And always be thankful to Me and never be ungrateful to Me.

2/153. O believers! Always seek help (from Me) through patience and Prayer. Certainly, Allah is (always) with those who observe patience.

2/154. And do not say about those who are slain in the cause of Allah that they are dead. (They are not dead.) They are rather alive but you have no perception (of their life).

2/155-157. And We will most certainly test you somewhat by means of fear and hunger and certain loss of wealth and lives and fruits. And, (O Beloved,) give glad tidings to those who observe patience. (They are the ones) who, when afflicted with some distress, say: ‘Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.’It is they upon whom are bestowed successive blessings and mercy from their Lord. And it is they who are the guided ones. 

2/158. Verily, Safa and Marwa are indeed amongst the signs of Allah. So, he who performs Hajj (Pilgrimage) or ‘Umra (Visitation) to the House of Allah, there is no sin on him if he ambulates (i.e., walks up and down between) the two. And if a person does a pious act voluntarily, then Allah is certainly Most Appreciative, Well Aware.

2/161-162. Indeed, those who disbelieved (by concealing the truth), and left this world whilst they were disbelievers, upon them is the curse of Allah and of the angels and of all mankind.  They shall be (held) under this (curse) forever. Their punishment shall not be mitigated. Nor shall they be given respite.

2/167. And, (seeing this disgust, the polytheist) followers will say: ‘Would that we could get a chance (to return to the world), then we (too) would turn our backs on them as they have done to us (Today)!’ In this way Allah will show them their own deeds as remorse and regret. And (no way) shall they be able to escape from Hell.

2/168-169. O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and pure in the earth. And do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. Verily, he is your declared enemy. He commands you only to do what is evil and immodest, and (also) that you should say about Allah that which you (yourselves) do not know.

2/170. And when it is said to them (the disbelievers): ‘Follow that which Allah has sent down,’ they say: ‘(Nay) we shall rather follow the same (path) on which we found our ancestors,’ even though their ancestors had neither any sense nor any guidance.

2/172-173. O believers! Eat of those pure and clean things which We have provided for you, and give thanks to Allah if He is the One Whom you worship (and obey). He has made unlawful for you only the dead animals and blood and the flesh of swine and the animal over which, whilst sacrificing, the name of someone other than Allah has been invoked. But he who is forced by necessity and is neither disobedient nor transgressing will not incur any sin on himself (if he eats that much which is required to survive). Allah is, indeed, Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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