Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 17 (17-45-17-96)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

17/45-48. And when you recite the Qur’an, (then) We place an imperceptible veil between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter. And We (also) put covers over their hearts so that they may (not) get to its meaning, and plug their ears with a sensation of heaviness (so that they may not listen to it). And when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur’an (and the names of their idols are not mentioned) then, in extreme dislike, they turn their backs and flee away. We know best the motive with which they listen to with active attention when they give you ears and when they whisper and when these wrongdoers say (to the Muslims): ‘You are following only a person that is bewitched (i.e., a spell has been cast on him. And We see and hear all this).’ (O Beloved!) See what similes (these people) find for you! So they have gone astray. Now they are unable to find a way to the right path.

17/49-52. And they say: ‘When we shall become (decomposed) bones and dust particles (after dying), shall we be raised up alive anew?’ Say: ‘Be you stones or iron, Or any other created matter which you deem even harder (than these things, and which is not susceptible to becoming a living thing).’ Then (in this condition) they will say: ‘Who will bring us back to life?’ Say: ‘He Who created you the first time.’ They will then shake their heads at you (by way of wonder and ridicule) and will say: ‘When will it happen?’ Say: ‘It is expected to occur soon.’ The Day when He will call you, you will respond praising Him, deeming that you tarried (in the world) for only a short while.

17/53. And tell My servants that they should say things that are most balanced. Surely, Satan causes contention amongst people. Indeed, Satan is man’s declared enemy.

17/56-57. Say: ‘Call all those that you consider (gods) apart from Allah. They do not have the power to remove distress from you, nor (have they the capability) to shift (it to others).’ Those that they worship (i.e., they prepare sculptures and images of angels, jinn, the Prophet ‘Isa [Jesus], ‘Uzayr [Ezra] and others and worship them) look for mediation to their Lord (themselves) as to who amongst them is most intimate (in the presence of Allah). And they (themselves) hope for His mercy and fear His torment. (Now say yourselves how they can be gods. They are prostrating themselves before the True God.) Indeed, the torment of your Lord is a thing to fear.

17/71-72. (Call to mind) the Day when We shall call every section of people along with their leaders. So whoever will be given the record of his deeds in his right hand, so they will read their records (rejoicing) and they will not be wronged a bit. And whoever remains blind (to the truth) in this (world) will be blind in the Hereafter as well, distracted from the path (of deliverance).

17/78-80. Establish the Prayers (Zuhr [Midday], ‘Asr [Afternoon], Maghrib [Sunset] and ‘Isha’ [Night]) from the declining of the sun till the deep darkness of the night. And also (make obligatory) the recitation of Fajr Prayer, for the Qur’an in Fajr (Dawn) Prayer is attended (by the angels and a state of divine consciousness also permeates). And in some part of the night (as well, rising from sleep,) offer the Tahajjud Prayer (with the Qur’an). This is added especially for you. Your Lord will certainly raise you to a station of praise and glory (i.e., the glorious station of intercession where all the former and later generations will turn towards you and glorify you). And keep praying (to your Lord): ‘O my Lord, make me enter (wherever You are to make me enter) with the truth (pleasure), and bring me out (from wherever You are to bring me out) with the truth (pleasure). And bestow upon me from Your presence the dominance that assists and the power that supports.’

17/81-82. And say: ‘The truth has come and falsehood has fled. Surely, falsehood has to perish.’ And We are sending down in the Qur’an what is healing and mercy for the believers. And it only increases the wrongdoers in loss.

17/83-84. And when We bestow upon man (some) blessing, he turns away (from gratitude) and escapes, but when some distress comes upon him, he despairs (i.e., he is neither grateful nor patient). Say: ‘Everyone acts according to his own (respective) style and nature, and your Lord knows full well who is best guided to the straight path.

17/85. And they (the disbelievers) ask you about the spirit. Say: ‘The spirit is from my Lord’s command, and you have been given but a very little knowledge.’

17/88-89. Say: ‘Should all men and jinn join in the attempt to produce (some other book) the like of this Qur’an, (even) then they will not be able to produce the like thereof, though they may become supporters to one another.’ And surely, We have repeatedly explained for people every sort of example in this Qur’an (in diverse ways), but most people have not accepted (it. This is nothing) but sheer ingratitude.

17/90-96. And they (the disbelievers of Mecca) say: ‘We shall never believe in you until you cause some water spring to gush out of the earth, Or you have some garden of date-palms and grapes and you may cause streams to flow profusely therein, Or, as you have an idea, cause some pieces of the sky to fall upon us (just now) or bring Allah and the angels before us, Or you have a house of gold (wherein you live luxuriously) or you ascend up to heaven, but even then we will not believe in your ascension (to the heaven) until you bring down to us (from there) a Book which we may read (ourselves).’ Say: ‘Holy is my Lord (far above these vagaries). I am only a human being (and a Messenger) sent by Allah.’ And nothing prevented (these) people from believing, whilst there had come to them guidance (as well), except that they said: ‘Has Allah sent (a) man as Messenger?’ Say: ‘Had there been angels (instead of human beings) walking about, residing in the earth, then We (too) would have certainly sent down from heaven some angel as a Messenger.’ Say: ‘Sufficient is Allah for a witness between me and you. Surely, He is Well Aware of His servants, All-Seeing.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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