Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 16 (16-27-16-90)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

16/27-29. Then He will humiliate them on the Day of Resurrection and say: ‘Where are those that you set up as peers to Me, and in whose favour you disputed (with the believers)?’ Those endowed with knowledge will say: ‘Today (all types of) humiliation and destruction will surely befall the disbelievers, Those whom the angels cause to die, whilst they are (constantly) doing wrong to their own souls.’ They will display obedience and submission (on the Day of Resurrection and say:) ‘We were not given to doing any evil (in the world).’ No indeed! Allah surely has thorough knowledge of what you used to do. So, enter the gates of Hell. You are its permanent residents. So how evil is the abode of the arrogant!

16/30-32. And (when) the Godfearing are asked: ‘What has your Lord sent down?’ they say: ‘All good (for here and the Hereafter has been sent down).’ There is good for those who do good in this world (too), and certainly the abode of the Hereafter is even better. And how excellent is the abode of those who are Godfearing! There are Gardens of Eternity which they will enter with streams flowing under them. Therein will be (available) whatever they will long for. That is how Allah rewards the Godfearing. The angels take their lives whilst they are pure, clean, pleased and contented (due to obedience and piety. The angels tell them the moment they take their lives:) ‘Peace be upon you! Enter Paradise due to (the pious deeds) that you used to do.’

16/35-36. And those who set up peers with Allah say: ‘Had Allah so willed, we would not have worshipped anything apart from Him, neither we nor our fathers. Nor would we have forbidden anything without His (command).’ Those before them (also) did the same. Are the Messengers responsible for anything in addition to clearly conveying (the message and commandments of Allah)? And indeed We raised a Messenger amongst every people (saying): ‘(O people,) worship Allah and keep away from Taghut (i.e., Satan and idol-worship).’ Then some amongst them were those whom Allah guided, and there were others amongst them for whom misguidance proved (appropriate). So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who belied (the truth)!

16/38-40. And they swear by Allah most earnestly that Allah will not resurrect him who dies. No indeed! The true promise is a bountiful obligation upon Him, but most people do not know. (The dead will be raised up again) so that He makes evident (the truth) wherein they disagree, and that the disbelievers may realize that they alone are in fact liars. Our command for a thing is but only this much that when We intend (to bring) it (into existence), We say to it: ‘Be,’ and it becomes.

16/48. Have they not seen those (shady) objects that Allah has created; their shadows keep crawling on the right and the left sides, prostrating themselves before Allah? And, (in fact, in this way) they display humbleness and obedience.

16/51. And Allah has ordained: ‘Do not take two gods; assuredly, He (Allah) alone is the only One God. So fear Me alone persistently.’

16/53-54. And whatever blessing you have been provided with is from Allah alone. Then, when some distress afflicts you, you wail and weep only before Him. Then, when Allah removes that distress from you, a party from amongst you starts setting up partners with their Lord;

16/56. And they ascribe a portion of the provisions which We have given them to those (idols) whose (reality) even they themselves do not know. By Allah, you will indeed be asked about what you fabricate.

16/57-59. And they (the disbelievers and polytheists) ascribe daughters to Allah—Glory be to Him (He is far above that)!—and for themselves they prefer what they desire (i.e., sons). And when the news (of the birth) of a daughter is disclosed to any of them, his face turns dark and he gets pent up with anger. He seeks to hide himself from people due to the (presumed) bad news that is given to him. (He now gets down to thinking) whether he should keep her (alive) despite humiliation and disgrace, or bury her (alive) in the earth. See! How wicked is the decision that they make!

16/63. By Allah! We certainly sent Messengers to (many) communities before you (also). Then Satan made their (evil) deeds look attractive and pleasing to them. So the same (Satan) is Today their friend. And for them there is painful punishment.

16/71. And Allah has preferred some of you to others in (grades of) provision (so that He puts you to trial through the command of spending in His way). But those who have been preferred do not divert (even a portion of) their wealth to (i.e., do not spend on) their dependants, whilst they all are equal in it (as for as their basic necessities are concerned). So do they deny Allah’s favour?

16/74. So never put forward any similitude about Allah. Surely, Allah knows and you do not.

16/86-87. And when the idolaters see their (self-made) partners, they will say: ‘O our Lord, these are our partner-gods which we worshipped besides You.’ Thereupon those (partner-gods) will send them the message (in reply): ‘You are liars indeed.’ And that Day, these (polytheists) will show humbleness and obedience to Allah, and all falsehood that they used to fabricate will vanish from them.

16/89. And (this) will be the Day (when) We shall raise amongst every people one witness against them from themselves, and, (O Venerable Beloved,) We shall bring you as witness to all of them (communities and Messengers). And We have revealed to you that Glorious Book which is a clear exposition of everything and is guidance, mercy and glad tidings for the believers.

16/90-91. Indeed, Allah enjoins justice and benevolence (towards everyone), and giving away to the kindred, and forbids indecency, evil deeds, defiance and disobedience. He admonishes you so that you may remember with concern. And always fulfil the promise of Allah when you promise, and do not break oaths after making them firm, whilst you have already made Allah a surety over you. Surely, Allah knows well whatever you do.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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