Dars e Ahadith-Women Husband

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

 “The best of the property is a remembering tongue (about Allah), and a grateful heart and a believing wife who helps him in his faith.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah).

“For the woman her husband is Paradise as well as Hell.” (Ahmad, Nasai).

“The perfume used by men should have an odour, but no colour, and the perfume used by women should have colour but no odour.” (Abu Daud).

“Allah would not like even to look at the woman who is not thankful to her husband.” (Nasai).

“A woman is an object of concealment for when she goes out the devil presents her in alluring looks before men.” (Tirmidhi).

The fornication of the eyes consists of looking, of ears in hearing, of the tongue in speech, of the hand in violence and of the foot in walking. The heart lusts and wishes and the private parts accord with that or reject it. (Muslim).
“Wealth is not in vast riches but wealth is in self-contentment.” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Whenever a man is alone with a woman the devil makes a third.” (Tirmidhi).

Do not call on women in the absence of their husbands, because Satan might be circulating in any one of you like blood. (Tirmidhi).

The most important of the trusts in the sight of Allah in the Day of Judgement is that a man goes to his wife and she goes to him (and the breach of trust is) that he should divulge her secret.” (Muslim).

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated that in later generations of his ummah there would be “women who would be dressed but naked and on top of their heads (what looks like) camel humps. Curse them for they are truly cursed.” (Muslim)

‘The Prophet ﷺ cursed the men who appear like women and the women who appear like men.’” (Bukhari)

Modesty was regarded as a great virtue by the Prophet. He said, “Modesty is part of faith.” (Al-Bukhari)

The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manners and kindest to his wife.” [Source: “Sunnan” of Abu Dawud]

With regard to education, both women and men have the same rights and obligations. This is clear in Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ saying: “Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every believer.” [hadeeth (saying of Muhammad, peace be upon him, collected by Ibn Majah] This implies men and women.

“The Messenger of Allah cursed women who tattooed, and those who got themselves tattooed, those who engaged in sharpening the teeth (as a mark of beauty) and those who had their teeth sharpened.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah cursed women who had spaces made between their teeth in order to increase their beauty, thus changing the creation of Allah. A third report says, The Messenger of Allah cursed the women who plucked hair and those who were employed to pluck the eyebrows.” (Abu Dawud)

However, if a woman has some obtrusive hairs on her face which are a problem and embarrassment for her, she may remove them.

Aaishah (ra) reports, “new-born children used to be brought to the Messenger of Allah and he would supplicate for blessings for them, and rub a chewed date upon their palate.” (Muslim)

“Every child is in pledge for it’s Aqeeqah which is sacrificed for it o­n its seventh day, and it is named o­n it, and its head is shaved” (Abu Dawood)

“call yourselves by the names of the Prophets” (Abu Dawood)

If the new-born is a boy then two sheep are to be sacrificed, and if it is a girl then o­ne sheep. This is the position of the majority of the scholars and Companions. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “for the boy two equal sheep, and for the girl, a single sheep.” (Ibn Maajah)

On the seventh day after the birth the head of the baby should be shaved. So when al-Hasan ra was born the Prophet (peace be upon him) told his daughter, Faatima (RA), shave his head and give the weight of his hair in silver to the poor” (Ahmad)

The right side of the head should be shaved first, then the left as mentioned in the hadeeth, shave, and he indicated to the right side of his head, and then the left” (Muslim)

“A woman who undresses anywhere else other than in her own house tears off the satr which lies between her and her Lord.” (At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)

“No man shall look to the private parts of a man, and no woman to the private parts of a woman, nor a man shall be with another man underneath the same cloth, nor a woman with a woman underneath the same cloth.” (Muslim)

“Girls are models of affection and sympathy and a blessing to the family. If a person has one daughter, God will screen him from the fire of hell owing to his daughter; if he has two daughters, God will admit him to paradise; if he has three, God will exempt him from the obligation of charity and Jehad.” (Kanz al-Ummal:277).

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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