Dars e Ahadith-Sunnah

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Prophet (ﷺ ) said, “If you are afflicted by anything, then seek strength from my death, because you will not be afflicted by anything that is worse than my death.” [Ibn Majah, Sunan]

Anas ibn Malik narrates that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ ) said: “I wish that I could meet my brothers.” The Companions of the Prophet (Allah be well pleased with them) asked, “Are we not your brothers?”He replied: “You are my Companions, but my brothers are those who will believe in me, without having seen me.” [Ahmad, Musnad]

Narrated Hadrat Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him): The best talk (speech) is Allah’s Book (Qur’an), and the best way is the way of Muhammad (ﷺ ), and the worst matters are the heresies, and whatever you have been promised will surely come to pass, and you cannot escape (it). (Bukhari)

Hadrat Malik bin Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (ﷺ ) said, “I have left amongst you two things. You will not go astray so long as you hold fast to them. These are the Book of Allah, and the Sunnah of His Messenger.” (Malik)

The Reward of following The Sunnah- “Whoever will hold fast to my Sunnah when corruption shall prevail among men will earn the reward of a hundred martyrs.” (Baihaqi)

Not to follow the ways of others- “He who copies any people is one of them.” (Ahmad and Abu Dawud).

“Whoever revives a Sunnah from my Sunnah and the people practice it, will have the same reward of those who practice it without their reward diminishing” (Sunan ibn Maajah, 209

The Prophet is reported to have said: “Whoever cherishes me and whoever loves me will be with me in Jannah” {Tirmizi #2678}

 Anas Ibn Malik ra said that the Messenger of Allah said:“ I Have nothing to do with anyone who is averse to my Sunnah“

The Prophet is reported to have said:”Whoever revives a Sunnah from my Sunnah and the people practice it, will have the same reward of those who practice it without their reward diminishing” {Sunan ibn Maajah, 209, Classified as ‘Hadith Hasan’}

Umar Ibn Al Khattab ra  narrated:“I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ  say: “Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for wh1ich he migrated.”(Bukhari & Muslim).

The Prophet (ﷺ ) said:“Women are the counterparts of men”.(Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi)

Rasulullah ﷺ  said: There is none heavier in the scales of the Hereafter than good character (Hadith narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Abu Daud).

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ ) said to the Companions:“You are on the way to meet your brothers, put on nice dress and fix your saddles so you appear distinct among people as a beauty mark [on a beautiful face]. Allah likes neither roughness nor rough manners”.(Muslim)

When the Prophet (ﷺ ) said:“He will not enter Paradise who has a grain of arrogance in his heart”,a man asked“A man may like his dress to be nice and his shoes to be nice.”The Prophet (ﷺ ) said:“Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Arrogance is to deny rights and look down on people.”(Abu Dawud & al-Hakim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ  used to say: The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character. (Related by al-Bukhari)

Rasulullah ﷺ  also mentioned: Bad manners are a misfortune.(Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad).

Abu Huraira (ra) narrated, that the Prophet (ﷺ ) said:“I have not been sent as a Messenger, except to perfect character (Akhlaaq)”He also said that:“The nearest of you to me on the Day of Judgement will be the one who is best in character.” (Bukhari)

A Muslim is one whom other people are safe from his tongue and his hand. (Hadith narrated by Bukhari).
The Prophet (
ﷺ ) taught us for example the issues of taharah (purity, cleanliness) with reference to relieving oneself, menstruation, Janaba (major ritual impurity), bathing for example.

Even the most private moments are detailed in Hadith, relating guidance to the believers.At the time of the Prophet (ﷺ ), one of the polytheists mockingly said to Salman al-Farsi, “ Your Prophet taught you everything, even the manners of going to the toilet” Salman answered, “Yes, the Prophet (ﷺ ) forbade us from facing the qibla (direction of the Ka’ba) when urinating or relieving ourselves” Salman continued “The Prophet (ﷺ ) asked us not to use the right hand when cleaning ourselves and to use at least three stones for cleaning” .(Reported in Muslim)

Another example of one of the multiple, beautiful Sunnah’s the Prophet (ﷺ ) is that of the wedding night supplication, read whilst one places his or her hand on the forelock of their partners head: ‘O Allaah, I ask You for the goodness within her and the goodness that you have made her inclined towards, and I take refuge with You from the evil within her and the evil that you have made her inclined towards.’

Sallam ibn ‘Amr (ra) narrated from one of the Companions of the Prophet (ﷺ ) “The Prophet (ﷺ ) said, ‘Your slaves are your brothers, so treat them well. Ask for their help in what is too much for you and help them in what is too much for them.”

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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