Dars e Ahadith-Fitna Ahle Sunnat

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Prophet  said: “I have left two things behind me for you (the Ummah). You will never go astray as long as you follow these two things. One of these two things is Allah’s Holy Book (the Holy Quran) and the other is the Sunnah of his Holy Prophet .” (Muwatta Imam Malik)

The Holy Prophet  said that after he passes away his Ummah should remain firmly steadfast upon his Sunnah and upon the way of his four Muslim Caliphs. He advised us to follow this path alone and to be beware of innovations, which contradict the Holy Quran and his Sunnah. (Abu Dawud; Tirmizi)

The Holy Prophet  said: “Follow the way of the largest group of Muslims! For, he who deviates from this group will be thrown into Hell!” (Ibn Majah)

The Holy Prophet  said: “Allah will never allow my Ummah to unite upon misguidance and incorrect beliefs. Allah’s mercy, blessings and protection are with the largest group of Muslims. And he who deviates from this largest group of Muslims will be thrown into Hell.” (Tirmizi)

The Holy Prophet  said: “He who deviates from the largest group of Muslims, even as much as a hand span, has himself cut off his connection with Islam”. (Abu Dawud)

The concept of the Muslim nation separating into 73 sects, is taken from authentic Ahadith such as the following related by Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahutala anhu): “The Messenger of Allah  said: ‘The Jews separated into 71 sects, and the Christians into 72, and my nation will divide into 73 sects.'” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

The Holy Prophet  said: “Seventy-two (of the 73 sects of the Muslim nation) will be in the fire, and only one will be in Paradise; it is the Jama’ah (i.e. Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah).” (Abi Dawud, Ad-Darimi, Ahmad)

There is another narration which states: “The Companions asked: ‘Which sect will triumph (i.e. achieve salvation)?’ The Prophet  replied: ‘The sect which adheres to that (set of beliefs and practices) which I and my Companions adhere to.'”It should be clear from these Ahadith that the one sect, out of the 73, which is to gain salvation, is the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah, the only segment of the Muslim community which adheres to that which the Holy Prophet  and his Companions (radi Allahutala anhum) adhered to.

Imam Abu Dawood (Rahimahullah) has quoted the well known Hadith concerning the division of the Muslim Ummah into seventy-three sects in his Sunan (3/4580, English edn):Abu Amir al-Hawdhani said, “Mu’awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with him) stood among us and said, ‘Beware! The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) stood among us and said’: ‘Beware! The People of the Book before (you) were split up into 72 sects, and this community will be split up into 73, seventy-two of them will go to Hell and one of them will go to Paradise, and it is the majority group (Jama’ah).’ 

Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with him) reported the Messenger of Allah  as saying:  “Who (ever) defected from the obedience (to the Amir) and separated from the main body of the Muslims – then he died in that state – would die the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyya (pre-Islamic ignorance). And he who is killed under the banner of a man who is blind (to the cause for which he is fighting), who gets flared up with family pride and fights for his tribe – is not from my Ummah, and whoso from my followers attacks my

followers (indiscriminately) killing the righteous and the wicked of them, sparing not (even) those staunch in faith and fulfilling not his obligation towards them who have been given a pledge (of security), is not from me.” (Sahih Muslim, 3/4557 & 4555; English ed’n)

Imam’s Ahmad and Abu Dawood (Allah’s mercy be upon them) said that Abu Dharr (Allah be pleased with him) reported the Prophet  as saying:  “He who separates from the main body (of the Ummah) by even a hand’s breadth from the Community he throws off Islam from his neck.” (Mishkat-ul-Masabih, 1/185 & Sunan Abu Dawood, 3/4740).

‘Umar (Allah be pleased with him) reported that on one occasion Allah’s Messenger stood up among them and said, “Whoever among you desires the centre of paradise should keep close to the Jama’ah for the Devil closely accompanies the solitary individual and is more distant from two.” (Collected by Imam Tirmidhi) 

And ‘Arfajah (Allah be pleased with him) reported (Allah’s Messengeras saying): “that Allah’s hand is over the Jama’ah and the Devil is with whoever deviates from the Jama’ah.” (Collected by Imam al-Tabarani) 

‘Abdullah ibn Masood (Allah be pleased with him) reported that once Allah’s Messenger  drew a line in the dust with his hand and said, “This is the straight path of Allah.” Then he drew a series of lines to the right of it and to the left and said, “Each of these paths has a devil at its head inviting people to it.” He then recited ( 6/153) And that, this is My’ straight path, then follow it and follow not other paths for they will deviate you from His path. This He has ordered you that haply you may be self-restrained, “Verily this is my straight path so follow it and do not follow the (twisted) paths.” (Collected by Ahmad, Nisai and Darimi; see Mishkat ul-Masabih, 1/166) 

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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