Insan-Types Of People

Insan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Those who claim to be Muslims though they are not Muslims but disbelievers, are called munafiq, zindiq, dahri and mulhid.

A munafiq does not admit that Hadrat Muhammad is a Prophet.

A zindiq does not believe in Allahu ta’ala, the Shariat, the harams and halals. He does not have any faith.

A mulhid says that he believes both of them, but he has slipped down into disbelief and dissented from the Shariat. His belief is corrupt. He views himself as a good Muslim. He calls those who are not like him kafirun (disbelievers).

A dahri does not even admit that Allahu ta’ala exists; he denies Him (Communists and Masons)

A murtad is a person who has renegaded from Islam. He does not conceal the fact that he is a kafir.

Believers and disbelievers become evident at their last breath.

If a person with iman commits a grave sin, his iman does not go away, nor does he become a kafir. He, who says halal about a sin, that is, about a haram, becomes a kafir.

He who commits a haram becomes a fasiq (sinner).

All sins are forgiven with the acceptance of Islam except the sins for oppression of man and violating the rights of man.

True Islam has two components ― the first is the external law and second is the internal purification realized through sufi tariqas(the spiritual side of islam)

The way to salvation is only the way which my Sahaba follow.

“He who obeys my Messenger has certainly obeyed Allahu ta’ala.”

“They want to differentiate between the way of Allahu ta’ala and the way of His Messenger”

They say, “We believe some of what you say but we do not believe other aspects.’ They want to open a different way between the two. Certainly they are disbelievers,”

Those who follow the way of the Sahaba “alaihimurridwan’ are no doubt the group of the Ahl as-sunnat wal-jamaat.

It is necessary to follow all of the Sahaba in the tenets to be believed, for there is no difference among them in the things to be believed. There may be a difference in the furu’, that is, in the actions to be done.

The disagreements or battles among the Sahaba “alaihimurridwan’ were because of good thoughts and mature perspectives. They were not because of the desires of the nafs or out of ignorance. They were from knowledge. They were due to the difference in ijtihad. Yes, some of them were erroneous in their ijtihad. But Allahu ta’ala gives one thawab also to the one who errs in ijtihad.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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