Insan-Types Of Human

Insan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Human are of 4 types

1.Believing Duniya = kafirs are open losers totally

2.Believing Amal/deeds=biggest losers because of riya/showoff(status) ,confidence on youself/nafs, big fitna  . deeds will not get you jannah, its fazal of allah which takes you to jannat.Quality matters than quantity of ibadat.   Iqlas is the reason for acceptance  of deeds. ibadat/amal is covered with iqlas.  taqwa =niyat of heart +for allah +avoiding sins. sidq=sincereity

3.Believing Niyamat/fazal of allah= they seek only fazal/pleasure NOT adl/justice from allah

4.Believing zaate elahi=(Kamil people) only allah not on fazal/niyamat (jannah is niyamat) .they focus on zaat e elahi not on rewards .they belive iam not capable for anything .i need you o allah.

what ever is done for the sake of allah is ibadat AND what ever is done for the sake of nafs is riya (show off)

No duniya when dealing with huqooq ul ibaad(You cannot keep people happy with money but with good words) AND No ahkirat when dealing with huqooq ul allah

Between Allah and his creation is abdiat/servanthood.

Mard/male whose heart is filled with allah (body is in this world and heart always with allah)

2.does only for the sake of allah

3. talib e hidayat (yearns for hidayat)

4.Follows good intention/niyat(for allah’s raza/pleasure) +good path/sirate mustaqim(to reach allah)+ reaching destination(to meet allah)

5. angels will spread wings for him +fishes will pray for forgiveness

6. ilm/knowledge should be for hidayat/guidance (to seek allah’s pleasure)


Man is created to worship(with marifat/knowing) Allah.

The point and the essence of ‘ibadat (worship) is to make the qalb (heart) become aware of Allahu ta’ala at all times.”

Purest worship= when heart is free of all wishes  and he wishes nothing but Haqq (SWT)

Islah e  niyyat/iqlas =do it for pleasure/raza of allah + no nafs and deeds in your sight+ no people in your sight.

People of iqlas (muqlasin)=people of noor because of tawajjuhilallah(only they think about allah not about nafs/deeds/people)

Iqlas=no riya/show off +no sight on good deeds/people/nafs (NO I/MYSELF) +ONLY FOR ALLAH

 la ilaha illa ‘Llah (there is none worthy of worship but Allah)  ― that you negate everything, Whatsoever comes before you in vision, intellect, unveiling and witnessing (you should include that under the LA/NO)

“Allahu akbar” in namaz =”We are not capable of doing the worship worthy of Allahu ta’ala.”

Heart should be free of duniya.In the station of obedience and servanthood, allah grants success in realizing perfection .(Tasawur/strong concentration about allah +Know the meanings of recitation+Darood o salaam on prophet)

Place ibadat between fear(getting rejected )  and hope (getting acceptance even inspite of our shortcomings)

we know we cannot see allah but still keep that kaifiyat  (as if you see him or atleast he is watching you)

Islah e  niyyat/iqlas =do it for pleasure/raza of allah + no nafs and deeds in your sight+ no people in your sight.

People of iqlas (muqlasin)=people of noor because of tawajjuhilallah(only they think about allah not about nafs/deeds/people)

Iqlas=no riya/show off +no sight on good deeds/people/nafs (NO I/MYSELF) +ONLY FOR ALLAH

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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