
Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ihsan self

…..rusted their hearts. ……they will be screened off .. the sight of their Lord.83/15

And do not plead (in defence of) those who are deceiving their own souls. 4/107

And there are many signs in the earth for the people with the truth of certitude (i.e., people of perfect certitude), And in your selves (as well). So do you not notice?51/20-21

45/23- Have you seen him who has made his desire his god and Allah has held him astray despite his knowledge …..

64/16…..And whoever is saved from the miserliness of his (ill-commanding) self, it is they who will attain prosperity.

89/ 27-30 O contented (pleased) self! Return to your Lord in such a state that you are both the aspirant to, and the aspired of, His pleasure (i.e., you seek His pleasure and He seeks yours)…

5/16. (a light (i.e., Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]) and an Book (i.e., the Holy Qur’an).By this Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the paths to peace (and security), and takes them out of darkness (of ignorance and disbelief) by His command, and leads them to the light (of faith and guidance), and directs them towards the straight road.

87/14-17 Indeed, only he who is purified (from the afflictions of his ill-commanding self and pollution of sins) will triumph, And the one who remembers the Name of his Lord and offers Prayers (regularly and abundantly).

73/6-7. No doubt rising at night strictly subdues (the ill-commanding self),…

87/17…Yet you go for the (pleasures of) the worldly life (instead of turning towards Allah), Whereas (the comfort and pleasure of) the Hereafter is preferable and everlasting.

91/7-10. And by the human soul and by the One Who provided it with an all-dimensional poise, proportion and perfection, Then He inspired it with (discrimination between) vice and virtue,…

91/10…Indeed, the one who purifies his (ill-commanding) self (from all vain and vicious desires and cultivates in it virtue and piousness) succeeds,..

91/10….But the one who corrupts himself (in sins and suppresses virtue) is doomed indeed.

75/2- And I swear by the blaming self, reproaching (itself for evil deeds).

100/6. …man is most ungrateful to his Lord,..

100/7… .. he is quite stubborn in his love of wealth.

25/43  Have you seen him who has taken the desire of his lower self as god? Would you then become a guardian over him?

75/14…man will (himself) be aware of (the affairs of) his self,

4/27,28. ….. those who pursue the lusts (of the ill-commanding selves) wish you to turn far away from the right path….

And (also) do not follow him whose heart We have made neglectful of Our remembrance, and who follows but the urge of his (ill-commanding self) ….18/28

4/28….And man has been created weak (and infirm).

4/36……Allah does not like the one who is arrogant (i.e., self-conceited) and boastful (i.e., egoist),

And I do not (claim) absolution of my self…12/53

Certainly, the self commands much evil except the one on whom my Lord bestows mercy. ..’12/53

We created man and We know (also) the doubts which his (ill-commanding) self puts (into his heart and mind). 50/16

And he who commits evil or wrongs his own soul and then seeks Allah’s forgiveness will find Allah Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. 4/110

But he alone (will be the gainer) who appears before the presence of Allah with a heart protected (from) and pure (of all evils).’ 26/89

And (on that Day) Paradise will be brought closer to the Godfearing (and self-protecting).26/90

.. prostrate … some hours of the night, and glorify Him during (the rest of) the long hours of the night.76/25-26

Do you seek the charisma of the worldly life ……18/28

…Yet you go for the (pleasures of) the worldly life (instead of turning towards Allah),87/16

I swear by the Day of Resurrection And I swear by the blaming self, reproaching (itself for evil deeds). ….75/1

The Day when neither wealth nor sons will profit. But he alone (will be the gainer) who appears before the presence of Allah with a heart protected (from) and pure (of all evils).’26/88-89

(Satan) on whom Allah has laid His curse and who said: ‘I will certainly take (for myself) an appointed portion of Your servants.4/118

..(hypocrites) ..for their (own) deception. And when they stand up for Prayer, they do it sluggishly, (simply) for showing off to the people. And they (also) remember Allah but little.4/142

So, those who have deviation in their hearts follow only its figurative Verses (just) under the urge to create disruption and with the motive to supply them self-seeking interpretation instead of their true interpretation. But none knows its true interpretation apart from Allah. 3/7

……. We would have exalted him by means of (knowledge and implementation of) these (Revelations), but he (himself) inclined to (the lowest levels of the) earthly life and became a follower of his lust. 7/175

7/157 …(Prophet)…. removes from them their heavy burdens and yokes (i.e., shackles) weighing upon them (due to their acts of disobedience and blesses them with freedom).

…he who submits his face to Allah (i.e., consigns himself to Allah) and becomes a man of excellence in piety will find his reward with his Lord. Such people will neither fear anything nor grieve2/112

….We have wronged our souls. And if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be amongst the losers. 7/11-25

Surely, man has been created impatient and greedy. 70/19

8/28. … your riches and your children are nothing but a trial..

10/44. … they (themselves) do injustice to their own souls.

33/72. Indeed, We offered the trust (of obedience) to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they declined to bear this (burden) and felt scared of it, but man took it on. Verily, he is given to wrongdoing (against his own soul), unwise and extremely ignorant (of the consequence of lapse in paying back the trust).

87/17…Yet you go for the (pleasures of) the worldly life (instead of turning towards Allah), Whereas (the comfort and pleasure of) the Hereafter is preferable and everlasting.

73/8……devoted completely to Him alone (in your heart and soul), broken away from everyone else.

92/18.. Who gives his wealth away (in the cause of Allah) to attain to purity (of his soul and assets), And who owes no favour to anyone that he is seeking to pay back.

39/53- Say: ‘O servants of Mine who have wronged their souls, do not lose hope of Allah’s mercy ….

4/64. …(O Beloved,) if they, having wronged their souls, had come to you imploring the forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) had also asked forgiveness for them, then (owing to this mediation and intercession) they would certainly have found Allah Most Relenting, Ever-Merciful.

So of them are those who wrong their own souls, and of them are also those who are moderate, following the middle course, and of them are still those who excel in doing pious deeds by Allah’s command. This (excelling and becoming perfect) is but a great bounty (of Allah).35/32

…the weighing (of deeds) is a truth. So those whose scales (of righteous deeds) are heavy will be successful, But those whose scales (of righteous deeds) are light, it is they who have harmed their souls because they had been unjust to Our Revelations.7/8-9

(Charity is) the right of those poor who have been restricted (from earning their livelihood) in the cause of Allah. ……You will recognize them from their appearance. They do not ask people (for help) at all …..2/273

….and He sends to you (angels as) guardians until when death approaches any of you, (then the angels) We send take his soul and they do not err (or default).6/61

…. whoever commits sin is only bringing (its consequent misery) to his own soul 4/111

And (call to mind) when your Lord brought forth the human race from the loins of the Children of Adam and made them bear testimony to their own souls (and said:) ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They (all) said: ‘Why not! We bear witness (that You alone are our Lord.’ 7/172

…. We make you undergo foul and fair for trial, and towards Us will you be returned.21/35

Every soul is going to taste death….3/185

..And the worldly life is nothing but illusory wealth.3/185

And on the Day of Resurrection, We shall set up balances of fairness and justice. So no soul will be wronged in the least. And if there is (someone’s deed) equal to the weight of a mustard seed, We shall bring forth that (as well). ….21/47

Allah does not put under stress any soul more than its endurance. 2/286

..the (favourite) servants …who walk gently ……..they (get aside), saying: ‘Peace.’ ….spend their nights prostrating …….. ‘O our Lord, turn away from us the torment of Hell…. neither extravagant nor miserly when they spend…..nor do they kill the soul whose killing without any lawful …nor do they commit adultery. 25/63

91/9 …Indeed, the one who purifies his (ill-commanding) self (from all vain and vicious desires and cultivates in it virtue and piousness) succeeds…

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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