
Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

AS FOR IHSAN-haal/kafiyat (mohsin)

Ihsan is that the mumin should worship his Lord in the world in the manner of being present and with fearful watchfulness as if he sees Him with his heart and gazes on Him during his worship. The reward of that is (increased)gazing upon Allah with the eyes in the next life.

“HAL (state)” is that —–1.state which descends from Allah into a man’s heart. 2.It is not attainable by efforts neither it can be repelled with efforts when it happens. 3. denotes that favor and grace of Allah which descends on man’s heart without any mortification on his part.4.hal (state) is favor and grace of Lord. 5.hal (state) is gifted. 6.the man of hal (state) is dead to self and stands by a “state” which Allah creates for him. 7. “States are like flashes of lightning: their permanence is merely a suggestion of the lower soul.”8.satisfaction is the end of maqamat (stations) and the beginning of the ahwal (states). 9.It is such a stage whose one side rests on acquisition and effort,and the other side on love and longing. There is no maqam (station) above it and at this point mortification ceases. 10.Its beginning is through efforts and mortification and its end in on Divine’s gift and blessing. 11.It is likelihood that one who in the beginning keeps an eye on his rida (satisfaction) may consider it a maqam (station) and one who at the end see his Rida (satisfaction) through the Truth gives it the name of hal (state).

(The famous hadith of Harithah )There is in it that the Prophet, ﷺ, asked him, “Harithah, how are you this morning?” He said, “This morning I have become a true mumin.” He said, “Think about what you are saying! Because every statement has a reality.” He said, “Messenger of Allah, my self dislikes the world, so that it is sleepless at night and thirsty in the day, and it is AS IF  I am gazing upon the Throne of my Lord appearing, and it is AS IF I am gazing upon the people of the Garden in the Garden and how they visit each other in it, and as if I am gazing upon the people of the Fire and how they howl in it.” He said, “You have seen, so remain firm. [You are] a slave whom Allah has illuminated the iman in his heart.”

Make ibadah good, whole and complete with modesty(as if you are bidding farewell/last prayer)  .

To bear in his heart His nearness

seek help in that with his trust that Allah sees him

Go alone and hold intimate discourse with Him. Go alone and supplicate Him.

If any of you stands praying he hold intimate discourse with his Lord

His Lord is between him and the qiblah

Truly Allah is before his face when he prays

Allah directs His face towards the face of His slave in his prayer as long as he does not turn away.

You are not calling on one who is deaf or absent. You are calling on One Who Hears, Who is Near.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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