Ibadat-Body And Wealth

Ibadat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


1.heart/Qalbi-sidq (sincerity in doing) and iqlas (done for the sake of Allah alone to gain his pleasure /raza).

People of sidq/sincerity (wahdat e talab)= sadiq (no nafs/no desires/only 1 desire- seeking Allah’s raza/pleasure )

People of iqlas/purity=muqlis (for Allah’s sake)

People of zikr/remembrance (sidq+iqlas)= only purpose is to seek Allah’s pleasure and gain his qurb/nearness

Do not follow him whose heart is made neglectful by Allah for his zikr/remembrance.

Amal/deeds depends on intention /niyyat and niyyat is intention of heart

Haal e dil /state of heart is important for acceptance of zaahir amaal.

Ruh /spirit of amal/deed =niyyat(intention of heart/haal e dil)

Allah doesnot see your amal/deed or face he see your heart (intention/niyyat).

Deeds of heart-niyyat/intention, tawakkal/trust, mohabbat/love, sabr/patience, kauf/fear, pleasure/raza, umeed/hope etc etc (all these are ibadat)

Takabur,riya,ujub,hasad,nifaq,ghaflat,mayoosi,shak leads to kufr/disbelief avoiding these things is ibadat.

For example kauf /fear of Allah will not allow you to sin or oppress humanity.

Gaining kauf of Allah is by removal of fear of duniya (kuaf e duniya)

Ibadat = fearing Allah alone (No fear of duniya) .

2 kauf’s (Allah and duniya ) will not settle in 1 heart same way 2 love’s (Allah and duniya) will not settle in 1 heart

Marifat e deen and desires of duniya cannot be in 1 heart.

Momin’s Heart= fear and love for Allah (keep iman between kuaf/fear and raza/umeed/hope)

Loving Allah means following sunnah of rasoolAllahﷺ

Fearing Allah means avoiding sins /disobedience.

Deeds of heart must be correct for acceptance of zahir/bodily ibadat.

Iman is related with condition of heart.

Iman =qalbi ibadat

Amal/deeds=zahir ibadat

Quran and following sunnah gives nafae/profit for qalbi ibadat

Quran is shifa for all diseases of zaahir and batin .


Ibadat=Conveying salaam,tilawat e quran, speaking truth/soft, tabligh, taleem etc etc

Sins= lies,ghibat/backbiting,breaking promise,false oath, false accusation, using bad words


Ibadat= removing obstruction from the road,planting trees,protecting rights of animals,helping others etc etc

Sins=robbery, killing,bad speaking/seeing/touching/hearing etc etc

There is punishment for people of salaah/namaz because they have lost the spirit/ruh/essence of salaah and they offer salaah for show off/riya .

Ruh/spirit of salaah

1.qushu o quzu (concentration and devotion)

2. sidq o iqlas (sincerity and purity)

3.with Allah’s marifat/recognisation

4.for the sake of Allah (to gain his raza/pleasure)

5. heart is involved in the prayer.

Sabr and salaat are mentioned together but first sabr then salaat.


Ibadat= spending on feeding people, masjid, graveyard ,widows,orphans,travelers,wars ,building oldage homes, relising innocents from jail,helping patients with medical bills,establishing industries for giving employment,constructing hospitals   (hidden charity) etc etc

Sins=wasting money ,hoarding wealth,bribing,interest banking,haraam earnings etc etc

2.5% zakat + 7.5% sadaqa =10% spent for Allah.

10% spent * 10%  multiplied from Allah =100% spent for Allah.

Ie 10% wealth fisabilllah =100% earnings of yours spent as fisabillah

Because Allah multiplies your 10% with his 10% as per his promise.

Allah doesn’t like stingy people .(waswas is from shaitan)

Thank Allah, He will give you more.

Nafs =hubbe duniya/loves duniya.

Spend wealth ,second comes sacrificing lives (selected people) when required  because wealth is used on lives.

More kidmate deen =more from Allah (unlimited).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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