Heart-life death signs

Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


1.No duniya in the heart

2.zikrullah/ibadat gives sukoon/peace

3.enjoys sohabate auliya (physically or spiritually) for example your with the author when you read his book. following awliya ,reading their books and respecting/loving them for the sake of Allah.

4.don’t see/hear others fault and don’t speak bad about others


Living heart associated with ahkirat (aims for darjaat)

Allah created us for ahkirat not for duniya (place for testing).

Work hard in duniya and relax in jannah.

Tajalliat/noor e elahi descend on living hearts.

living heart gains marifat.

attached with Allah’s rememberance and cut off with duniya (being in duniya)

Clean heart always desires good.

Life of the heart = marifat ie living heart gains marifat.

Living heart =attached with Allah’s rememberance and cut off with duniya (being in duniya)

Duniya=anything which takes you away from Allah

Ahkirat =that which brings you closer to Allah.

Acts whether religious or secular done for the pleasure of Allahs,knowing as command from Allah and his rasoolﷺ  ,knowing as a way to gain his nearness.this will lead to living heart.

Acts whether religious or secular done for show off,for gaining duniya and heart slowly dies because your away from Allah.

Body in duniya and heart is in ahkirat


Heart associated with sidratul munthaha(arsh) and love

Body in duniya and heart with Allah.

Munajat /spiritual courses in alam e malakut/jabarut.

Seekers of Allah’s blessings ,pleasure and his meeting.

If you love to meet Allah ,Allah loves to meet you.


1.reciting and understanding quran (baseerat-eyes of your heart opens up)

2.eat less(with full stomach –heart dies) ,speak less ,sleep less and less association with duniya(don’t sit with people of duniya)

3.ibadat with love and ilm with adab.

4.ahklaq e hasana(coloured with ahklaqs of allah)

5. always be in wuzu(taharat e zahir and baatin with astagfar)

6. sohabate aulia –their face reminds about Allah, ilm gives hikmat e deen , amal shows ahkirat.

7.be with nabien,siddiqeen,shuhada and saleheen  at the same time avoid people who are cursed (misguided people) real friendship is that which will help here and hereafter.

8.negation of self(no irada of self /accepting Allah’s irada)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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