Finding Shirk-Words

Finding Shirk, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

How to find shirk? 5

Best examples to understand tauheed and shirk

————-Allah is wahaab/bestow

3/38–At the same place, Zakariyya (Zacharias) supplicated his Lord. He submitted: ‘O my Lord, bless me, out of Your Grace, with a virtuous and pure offspring. Surely, You alone hear the supplication.’

19/19– (Jibra’il [Gabriel]) said: ‘I am only a messenger from your Lord. (I have come) to bestow upon you a pure son.’(jibrail(as) is saying I will give a pure son)

Same way isa(as)/jibrail(as) are means of allah’s power/qudrath.they said I do such a such a thing by this we come know they are doing with the help/permission of allah and we we have to take it metmorphical/mazazi meaning of these kind of ayats. Haqiqatan its allah who does everything .this is tauheed.

—————Khalq /creation and also command/amr belongs to allah.

3/104—– And from amongst you there must be a community comprising the people who invite mankind towards piety, enjoin righteousness and forbid evil. And they are the successful people –here allah says o people do amr/command.

7/157— …….So those who will believe in this (most exalted Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) and venerate and revere him and serve and support him (in his Din [Religion]) and follow this light (the Qur’an) that has been sent down with him, it is they who will flourish and prosper.’here rasoolallah(as)command good and forbids bad.

See the order in which we have to follow the deen 1.First belief in messengership/risalat 2. adab/respect and itaaat/reverence of messenger his deen 4.follow the quran.

people can command/amr with his permission because he himself has said to command for good and forbid bad.

example of isa(as) cover various aspects of tauheed and shirk like khalq (creating a thing)/ilm (knowledge)/raising the dead /giving health(giving profit ) /giving eyesight(siffat)

Allah said I breathe My (divine) spirit into ….(15/28-29)

Allah is our creator and created for his worship …(51/56)

Allah says he created death and life for testing us who is best in conduct…(67/2)

3/49—-And he will be a Messenger to the Children of Israel, (saying to them:) ‘I have undoubtedly brought to you a sign from your Lord: I design for you from clay (a figure) like the shape of a bird; then I breathe into it; and at once it becomes a flying bird by Allah’s command. And I restore health to the born blind, and the lepers, and raise the dead to life by the command of Allah. And I inform you of (all) what you have eaten, and what you have hoarded in your houses. Truly, there is a sign in it for you if you believe.

Isa(as) creates(khaliq) bird with clay and blows breath into it -thus it becomes lively. Igive sight to one who is born blind (it means allah created him blind by birth but isa(as) gave him eyesight).isa(as) said give health to leprosy patient.isa(as) said I bring back dead man to life.isa(as) said I can disclose what have you eaten and have you stored (knowledge)

Ie  allah create a thing and isa(as) creates a thing —–allah didn’t give eyesight but isa(as) gave—-allah gave disease isa(as) gave health—-allah gave death but isa(as) gave life—isa(as) knows hidden things also.

Isa(as) said I do all these things with the permission of allah —this tauheed.

Ie with the permission of allah you can create things-give life-give eyesight-give health-give life-know the secrests/knowledge

If your remove with permission of allah everthing will sound shirk —-If you add with permission of allah it is tauheed.

So when you say with allah’s blessings/permission –its tauheed not shirk

Nabi/rasool/Aulia allah all don’t have powers on their own, its with the help of allah they do .so this is tauheed. If isa(as) can do this think about the esteem status of rasoolalla(saws).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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