Tauheed Help Is Not An Act Of Worship-Ahadith

Shariath, Tauheed Help

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Asking help- Each appeal for help is not an act of worship

Once, the Islamic army was arrayed in battle against their enemies under the command of Sāriyah bin Jabal. The enemy made a clever tactical move and the Islamic forces were completely besieged by them. Precisely at that time, ‘Umar Fārūq was delivering the Friday sermon from the pulpit at Medina. On account of his spiritual concentration, the battle scenario was right before his eyes. During the sermon, he proclaimed loudly:O Sāriyah! Go behind the mountain! Albānī in Silsilat-ul-ahādīth-is-sahīhah (#1110).

writer or minister who brought the throne to Sulaymān (as) and his name was Āsif bin Barakhyā. Imām Qurtubī writes:Most exegetes agree upon it that surely the person who had the knowledge of the Book was Āsif bin Barakhyā, and he was truthful. He knew Allāh’s ism-ul-a‘zam (exalted name) that whenever he was asked for something he gave through it and whenever he was called he answered through it. And ‘Ā’ishah narrated: the Prophet (saws) said, “Ism-ul-a‘zam of Almighty Allāh through which Āsif bin Barakhyā prayd is yā hayy (O, the Living!) yā qayyūm (O, the Self-Subsistent!).” Qurtubī, al-Jāmi‘ li-ahkām-il-Qur’ān (13:204).

And raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.4/75

Indeed, your (helper) friend is only Allāh and His Messenger and (with them) are the believers.5/55

And if you back up each other against the Messenger (if you both behave in a manner that annoys the Prophet) then (remember that) Allāh is his Protector (Helper) and Jibrīl and the righteous believers and after that even the angels will assist him.66/4

And the men who believe and the women who believe are each other’s protectors and helpers.9/71

So you should ask people of knowledge if you yourselves do not know (about something).16/43

Rabī‘ah bin Ka‘b relates in his own words:I spent a night with the holy Prophet(saws) (and towards the tail-end of the night) I brought water for his ablution and toilet. He said: ‘ask (for) whatever you want.’ I said: ‘I want your (eternal) companionship in Paradise.’ He said: ‘anything else?’ I said: ‘this is sufficient.’ He said: ‘then help me with plenty of prostration.’ Muslim bk. of salāt, (prayer) ch.43 (1:353#226/489)

And seek (Allāh’s) help through patience and prayer.2/145

And (O Muslims!), to (fight) them you should keep ready the force (of weapons and other instruments of war) as much as possible and (a large number of) tied horses.8/60

You should help me with the might of your arm, (that is, with labour and rigorous, hard work).18/95

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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