Tauheed And Radd e Shirk-Classification

Shariath, Tauheed And Radd E Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



1.in zaat, in siffat (attributes), in tahrim (prohibition), in adaat

2.Shirk-akbar and asgar

3. Shirk-khafi and jaali

SHIRK E ZAAT-(21/22)

SHIRK E SIFFAT -in ibadat,ilm,tasaruff(authority),dua

IN IBADAT -there is no question of metamorphical(majazi) or literally(haqiqatan) meaning here. this is clear cut shirk if some one worship other than allah(swt0.

IN ILM/KNOWLEDGE -if the ilm is atayi/given to the slave then its not shirk .

IN TASARUFF/AUTHORITY -allah is khaliq/creator and qadir/powerful .here also allah has bestowed his slave with power- means with allah’s help ,power and permission creation can create  a thing like isa (as) created a bird with the clay with allah’s permission.

IN DUA – dua is ibadat .allah is our ilah (fullfiller of our needs) so ask him for anything .same time tawassul/wasila is the right of a slave he can use wasila in dua. here when dua is made we use metamorphical/majazi or literally/haqiqatan meanings like if some say tablets/drugs cured me it means allah cured me through these drugs/medicine. same way if some one says awliya allah granted me it means through the dua/prayers of auliya allah(swt) granted me .muslims use wasila of auliaallah for acceptance their prayers in the court of allah.

(6/138)SHIRK E TAHRIM/PROHIBITION -here people themselves declaring what is haraam for allah.kuffar had different idols for different purposes like an idol for risq,for rain,for children,for war victory etc etc.

kuffar use to make haraam on themselves certain grains/certain cattles/not riding certain animals.kuffar use to slaughter animals without taking name of allah .they use to take idols name like uzza, mannat, lat(female names) etc. kuffar said   live offspring of cattle are haraam for women but dead offspring for both men and women.

6/136-in productivity they gave share to false gods

Tahrim/prohibition is right of allah but kuffar gave this right to idols.

For eg-Ibrahim(as) built kaaba because of Ibrahim(as) allah made kaaba haram.rasoolallah(saws) built medina because of rasoolallah(saws) allah made medina also haram.In haram sheriff-no war/killings,no  cutting of trees,no hunting of animals etc

So now if any one builts another kaaba /medina .it is against the tahrim/prohibition of allah.so its shirk.

On other hand 22/32,36-qurbani animals are signs of allah. respect for signs of allah is the godwariness of heart.

5/2(shairallah)-aulia allah’s graves are signs of allah.

6/148,149-kuffar are blaming allah for their own conducts.

Quranic ayats are applicable for all the time and generations to come till qiyamat

6/141,9/31-monks and rabbis were worshipped ie people followed what they said rather than following what allah and his messenger said.

Mindulillah refer to idols/aulia .

Do not make things haraam/haraam on urself .haraam and halaal is exclusive right of allah and his rasool (saws).

Like nazr/niyaz/mannat is for allah alone but essale sawaab is for creation.

Nazr/vow is ibadat and it’s a charity/sadaqa so whatever you do –do it for allah’s sake alone.like qurbani is for allah but benefits goes to poor .same way nazr is for allah but sawaab is for auliaallah(garween etc).

Garween is sadaqa/charity (a good deed) for the sake of allah and it benefits the needy and poor .its essale sawaab. keep doing good deeds regularly allah loves those who do smallest good deed but regularly.

Like rasoolallah(saws) would visit masjid e quba every Saturday.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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