Dua-Visiting Ill

Dua, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



If a pious person falls ill, then his status is elevated and if a sinner falls ill then his sins are forgiven.

iyaadat is sunnah and shows human kindness ( it is a means of earning Sawaab and also you will gain garden in paradise) angels will pray visiting person.

if a person makes fresh Wudhu and intends to visit an ill person only for Sawaab, then he is kept away from Hell as far as the distance of a 70 year journey.

It is also Sunnah to allow the sick person to eat whatever he desires( those which will not harm his condition).

When visiting a sick person, one should not be rowdy, unpleasant or unkind.

Do not visit the sick person for a long period. You should make Du’a and then take leave.

 When visiting the sick also ask the sick person to make Du’a for you since their Du’as are readily accepted.

One should show love and sympathy while visiting ill by keep your hand over the patients head and make dua saying o allah heal so and so or say7 times: Asalullaah al-‘Adheem, Rubb al-‘Arsh il-‘Adheem an yashfiyak( inshaalaah allah will cure the patient)

Do not visit the sick person for a long period. You should make Du’a and then take leave. Ask the sick person to make Du’a for you since their Dua’s are readily accepted.

To say “o allah, heal so and so…..is sunnah.

“Whoever visits the sick whose time was not written and says seven times: Asalullaah al-‘Adheem, Rubb al-‘Arsh il-‘Adheem an yashfiyak.(I beseech Allah, the Magnificent, the Rubb of the Magnificent Throne, that He cures you) And Allah will cure him of that sickness.” [Abu Dawood & at-Tirmidhi]

Good health and free time is a reward/bounty from allah to his slave. Don’t waste it. Ask allah for certainty of faith and good health.


1.avoiding what might cause harm

2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)

PSYCHOLOGY—- refresh the body with good scent(itr/perfume/wudh) and listen to good news. happy feelings relax the heart and fill the veins with blood. encourage the patient to get well .reliving the anxiety will bring relief to the heart. Patient must be visited by his loved ones/relatives. be kind with the patient and say inshallah you will be cured at the earliest.

 DIET —Eat to gain strength and use that strength for worshipping  allah.

Donot force the patients to eat and drink. allah feeds them and gives them drink. supply from allah to the patient depends on submission and humbleness/yakeen /raza before allah.

pateint must believe in the medicine and the doctor. quran benefits those who believe in its value.

sometime patients don’t like to eat and drink its because their body is fighting the illness.

Patient passes through 4 stages-beginning, intense, fading and ending of illness.  eat only to gain strength and avoid things that will aggrevate the conditions.

Eat sensibly and moderately for good health(1/3 food,1/3 water and 1/3 for breathing).

Fight certain illnesses with nourishment and diet rather than with medicines.

Use single ingredient than using mixture of medicines as much as possible.Stick to regular day to day diet you will suffer less with diseases. Compound/mixture of medicines is for those whose diet is compound/mixture (like eating heavily different things at a time on regular basis)

neutralizs hot with cold ,cold with hot, dry  with wet and wet with dry as a preventive measure.Like dates are hot neutralize with watermelon.

Honey and quran are best remedies for illnesses. drink honey with water on empty stomach its sunnah.

Body accepts that food which is liked by the patient.

sex involves body ,heart and soul. body gets heated up and heart acquires lust and pleasure. soul will follow the body and heart. connected to the soul is the heart and heart affects rest of the body. submit your heart before allah. true sustainance is spiritual sustenance not material sustenance.

Spend more time in treating the ills of heart and soul ie  be spiritually strong by doing zikrullah. this is more important and final goal of a human.

Professional Doctor must have heart and soul knowledge not just physical (must use medicinal and spiritual cures). Should even give divine remedies  in form of zikrullah/ruqya.Should be trustworthy,lenient and forbearing/show patiency (sabr) .

Search for a best doctor how you search for best deeni solution(best deeni solution is with a sunni alim who is also a sufi ).

preserving good health is by

1.avoiding what might cause harm

2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)

Diseases are of 2 types——1.Diseases that attack the heart  a. Doubt/error-2/10,74/31,24/48-50   b. Lust/desire—33/32   AND  2. Physical diseases that attack the body–48/17



Cleanse your heart with repentance. lusts and desires will make heart weak.

Doing rightueous deeds .

Conceal the blessings  from the people(ie don’t show to the people /don’t show off/pride)

Keep reciting ya hayyum ya qayyum or alif lam meem allah- la ilaha ila huwal  hayyul qayyum or  wa ilahukum illahu wahid la ilaha illa huwar rahmanur rahim or recite allah’s 99 names regularly or keep reading quran regularly. salat/namaz is best  because it allows  all the organs to prove their slavery to allah. pray at night(tahjud) .keep reading Surah Al-Baqarah , surah falq and nass

Don’t be jealous of others always say ”O Allah, bless him and harm him not” or say la hawla wala quwata ila billahil alil azeem or mashaallah la quwata ila billah. Be kind to the envious one to lessen hatred(show patiency) -be away from envious person

Taking bath regularly or be in wadhu regularly


Say bismillah hir rahman nir rahim and then say evil eye return to the person who started it. Saying ”Allahu akber” three times:  He should raise his voice to be heard by the envious one he is afraid .

write Quranic verses and ask the one affected with the evil eye to drink it.

Always say o allah you have created me  and also the agent which causes pain/harm to be —dont not give it(harmful agent ) power over me— I seek from the evil  of so and so—heal me completely and eradicate the illness—Their none who can heal except you.

Best Islamic formulas/ruqya—surah fathiha,falaq,nass ,ayat al kursi,la hawa la wal quwata illabil lahil aliil azeem,third kalma,drinking water of quranic  ayats dipped in it.be in wazu all the time.blow over your hands and rub over entire body. always say with permission of allah let it heal(biznill lah).

Keep your hand on the site of pain and say bismillah 3 times and la hawla walaquwata illabillahil aliil azeem (7 times)

3.TAWEEZ (FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW DUA’S OR ILLITERATES OR MINORS OR MENTALLY NOT FIT) It should be from the Quran or the prophetic sayings or the religious supplications(DUAS). Consist of the names of Allah Almighty or his attributes;

4. To remove the effect of evil eyes: Aoozu be-kalemaat-illahe-ttaamate min kulle shaytaani-wwahaammatin wa min kulle ayni-llaammah. I seek refuge through the entire words of Allah from the evil of every devil, and every harmful animal and every harmful eye.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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