Dua-Selected Niyyat

Dua, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Iqlas=no riya/show off +no sight on good deeds/people/nafs (NO I/MYSELF) +ONLY FOR ALLAH

Talim/khidmat is not niyyat its shauq/interest/eagerness and niyyat is for the pleasure of Allah and working as a servant of rasoolAllahﷺ .

Those without marifat/iqlas e niyyat ritual acts of worship become routine.

Iqlas (no duniya /I except allah)

1.for the pleasure of allah

2.start with bismillah

3.applying sunnat  e rasool ﷺ(To be a true servant of  the prophet)

4.tawajuhillah (eyes fixed on allah not on duniya)

5.person should not recognise his own iklas (itself is riya)

For example

Secret of life =ignore people/creation, keep sight on allah

what ever is done for the sake of allah is ibadat and what ever is done for the sake of nafs is riya (show off)

keep the intention for shahadat/martyrdom you will be rewarded even if don’t get martyred in allah’s way.

Setting out for earning halaal money

To work for the deen(kidmate deen)

To spread word of haqq/truth.

SHAITAN WORKS —–1.by inducing heedlessness/ghaflat –be alert when you do prayers/work.2.by inducing hawa/passion-be satisfied with what allah swt gave and be thankfull.3.by inducing anger-recite tawooz ,drink water ,sit down or sleep,walk out of the place.4. obstructs you from doing acts of obedience .He commands you to show off/ arrogance and pride in your heart .do deeds for allah and his rasool’s pleasure not for anything else.keep reading quran regularly.

When starting to do something, say Bismillah – In the name of Allah  (if you don’t know any dua ,atleast say bismillah and start) 

When intending to do something, say In sha-Allah – If Allah wills

When something is being praised, say Subhan-Allah – All praise due to Allah

Dua to become appreciative-Allahumma inni ala Zikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatik


When in fear or anxiety: -Hasbun-Allahu wa neamal wakeel “Allah is Sufficient for us, and what an excellent Trustee He is!”

To free oneself from pain: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If a patient puts the hand at the place of pain and recites “Bismillah” thrice and then recites the following supplication 7 times, the pain will, Allah willing, go away.” (Saheeh Muslim) Aoozu be-izzatillahe wa qudratehi min sharre maa ajedu wa uhaaziru. I seek refuge of Allah the Supreme’s Honour and Power from the evil of the suffering I am experiencing and I seek refuge from this suffering.

When in pain and distress—1.say Ya Allah, ya darr (Allah’s name – Darr (the distresser)) 2.say innaillahi wa innailhirajiun.

When a problem appears, say- Tawak kalto al-Allah – I leave my faith in Allah’s hands

SallAllahu alanabbiyy-illummiyye wa aalehi sallAllahu alayhe wa sallam salaata-wwa-salaaman alayka yaa RasoolAllah.


1.Before the taqdeer takes place=should seek the help from Allah, depend upon him and supplicate to him (istikhara before its manifestation)

0 Allah if you know that this matter (and you name it) is good for me.., make it easy for me and bestow blessings in it for me. And if you know that this matter is bad for me …, then keep it away from me and turn me away from it and for me the good wherever it is and then content me with it.” (Bukhari).

2.After the taqdeer takes place(Ridha/content after its manifestation)

Taqdir favoring you =thanking/praising Allah (keep patience and hard work)

Sinful deed = should ask Allah’s forgiveness and repent

“Do not say, ‘What Allaah and so and so wishes,’ rather say only, ‘What Allaah

Wishes then so and so.’ Abu Dawood in the Book of Morals (4/295 no. 4980),

 “O Allaah, give my soul piety and purify it, You are the best of those who purify. Truly, You are its Owner and Protector (Sahih Muslim, Kitaab: Remembrance)

Medicines,charity,dua,gooddeeds,seeking Allah’s mercy,maintain family ties,tahjud prayer are some of the ways to counter tests/hardships.

REMEDY —Astagfar ,la hawla wa la quwata ilabillahil aliil azeem, Ayat e karima (la ilaha ila anta subhanaka inni kuntum minz zalimeen) recite n  number of times. Keep reading quran you will come out of grief/calamity. Always say inna lilahi wa innaile hi rajiun and ask for better replacement than the lost one.

Say “O Allah ! keep me alive as long as life is better for me  and let me die if death is better for me”.

Say “Reward me for my loss and give me what is  better than it”.

Good doer must increase his good deeds and bad doer must seek forgiveness/repentance.

Don’t keep duniya(anything that takes you away from Allah) in your heart .


Changing situation with efforts/taking action +relying upon Allah

Acquiring patience =being firm upon the truth and obedience .

Keep thanking Allah

Out of his mercy Allah ordains only good for human being(our inability to understand).

For abandunce in provisions and repayment of debt: Allahumma akfenee be-halaaleka an haraameka wa agninee be-fadleka amman sewaka. O Allah! Suffice me with lawful provision and save me from the forbidden, and by Your Munificence make me independent of everyone except You.

For freedom from sorrow and for the attainment of blessings: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Sending blessings (upon me) removes sorrow and annuls sins.” (Tirmizi Shareef) SallAllahu alanabbiyy-illummiyye wa aalehi sallAllahu alayhe wa sallam salaata-wwa-salaaman alayka yaa RasoolAllah. “Allahs’s blessings be upon the untaught Herald of the Hidden and his progeny, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him – blessings and peace be upon you, O the Messenger of Allah!”


Upon going to bed -Allaahumma bismeka amootu wa ahyaa. -O Allah! Upon Your name only will I die and live! (Bukhari)  always sleep with wadhu.

Dreams from Allah=Pleasant ,meaningful,recurring,remembrance,pious,symbolic, specific, anytime, If you see a good dream then relate it to someone who loves you.

Dreams from shaitan=fear,hopelessness,indecency,nightmares,meaningless,singletime,

forgetfulness, wetdreams ,random,contradictory, If an unpleasant dream is observed, one should sputter three times or blow three times on the left side. Do not reveal bad dreams to anyone. Change sides when seeing bad dreams. (if sleeping on the right side, turn to the left or vice-versa). If one sees a bad dream or nightmare read thrice: AUZU BILLAHI MINASH SHAYTAANIR RAJEEM WA MIN SHARRI HAAZIHIR RUYAA. By doing this, the dream will have no ill effects .

Dreams from Nafs=meaningless,singletime,fantasy,mixed details,forgetting, To pretend to have had a dream which he did not is a sin:Islam rejects all forms of lying. Dreams get interpreted as you say ,so always be positive when interpreting dreams.


When awakening from sleep, say- La Ilaha ill Allah – There is no God but Allah 

Upon getting up from sleep: -Alhamdu lillaahillazee ahyaanaa bada maa amaatanaa wa ilayhin-nushoor -“All praise is for Allah who gave us life after death (sleep), and it is to Him we have to return.”

WHEN YOU WAKE UP—Durood Shareef either 1, 3 or 11 times —Al hamdu lil laahil lazi ahyaana ba’da maa amaatana wa ilayhin nushoor—.Radiya tu billaahi Rabbaw wa bil Islaami Deenaw wa bi Syedina wa Moulana Mohammadin salal laahu alaihi wa sallama Nabi yaw wa Rasoolan. (3 TIMES)


When taking an oath, say- Walla Billah – I swear by Allah(offer expiation for breaking an oath) 

Swearing by anything other than Allah/Quran(Allah’s word) is not permissible.


When sneezing, say- Al-hamdu-lillah – All praise is due to Allah  

When someone else sneezes, say- Yar Hamok Allah – May Allah have mercy on you 

And if he says to him, ‘Yarhamuk Allaah,’ let him say, ‘Yahdeekum Allaahu wa yusliha baalakum (May Allaah guide you and correct your thinking).’”


Sin=stop at the initial stage( ie thought, when it arises)


When repenting of a sin, say- Astagh Ferullah – I seek the forgiveness of Allah(astaqfirullah or astaqfiruka ya allah or Astaghfirullah Rabbi min Qulli Zambyu Wa Aatubu Ilaih)

And, (O Beloved,) if they, having wronged their souls, had come to you imploring the forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) had also asked forgiveness for them, then (owing to this mediation and intercession) they would certainly have found Allah Most Relenting, Ever-Merciful.4/64


When giving to charity, say- Fi Sabi Lillah – For the sake of Allah

No remoarse for loss of wealth because its divinely blessed.Spend both in prosperity and adversity.

When expressing appreciation, say- Masha-Allah – As Allah willed it     

When thanking someone, say- Jazak-Allah – May Allah reward you 


CHECK PEOPLE WITH RESPECT TO = Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat + ahklaq e awliya/sufiya.

Safeguarding the kull deen

1.Ibadate elahi /worshipping Allah ﷻ (with love and marifat/knowing)

2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) /Be a servant of rasoolallah ﷺ to please allah(ﷻ)

3.Mohabbate ahle baith(as) /loving ahle baith(as)

4.Azmate sahaba (ra)/ Esteem status of sahaba(ra)

5.Sohbate auliya(ra).


1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure)

2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah )

3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa (avoiding sins))

4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart)

5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)

When having love for someone, say- Lihub Bullah – For the love of Allah 

When getting married, say- Aman to Billah – I believe in Allah 

When parting from someone, say- Fi Amaan Allah – May Allah protect you

When unpleasantness occurs, say- Na uzo Billah – I seek refuge in Allah

When pleasantness appears, say- Fata Barak Allah – That is Allah, your Lord, then blessed be Allah

When participating in a prayer, say- Ameen – May Allah accept our prayer

When hearing death, Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi Raji’un – To Allah we belong and to Allah we shall



Du’a before commencing a meal :Bismillahi wabarakatillah

Du’a at the end of the meal :Al-hamdu lillahilladhi at-amana’ wasaqana waja-alana minal muslimin 

If one forgets to say Bismillah before beginning the meal Bismillaahi awwalahoo wa aakherahoo “With Allah’s name, in the beginning and also at the end.” (Tirmizi)


While performing Ablution -Allaahummaghfirlee zambee wa wassey lee fee daaree wa baarek lee fee rizqee. “O Allah! Forgive me my sins and bestow spaciousness and improvement in my house, and bestow abundance in my livelihood.”

spiritual wuzu—-intention is to please(raza) allah  .say —Bismillaahil ‘azeem Al’hamdu lillaahi ‘alaa deenil Islaam (or say bismillah ( bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim) before making wudu)

when a man washes his hands— ask allah’s forgiveness (astaqfar) and ask him to keep you among purified people(baatin).when gargling-ask allah to keep your tongue busy with zikrullah(baatin)when rinsing nose-ask allah to reward you the fragnance of jannah(baatin).when washing face-ask allah to brighten your face on the judgement day(baatin)when washing hands-ask allah to be leninent and give your book of deeds in the right hand (baatin).when wiping the head-ask allah to cover you with mercy and pardon you(baatin).when washing feet-ask allah to keep you steadyfast on deen (islam iman and ihsan) (baatin)

recite:Ash’hadu allaa ilaaha illallaahu wa Ash’hadu Anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh and du’aa: Allaahummaj’alni minat tawwaabeena waj’alni minal mutatahhireen ..Perform two raka’at tahiyyat-ul-wuzoo provided the time is not Makrooh.

Saalat o salaam(With obedience)

as-Salaamu alayka ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, as-Salaamu alaynaa wa alaa ibaadi-laahis-Saaliheen, ash-hadu allaa ilaaha IlAllahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhoo wa Rasooluh. Peace be on you, O the Holy Prophet, and Allah’s Mercy and Blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the virtuous bondmen of Allah. I testify that there is no God except Allah, and I testify that Mohammed is the bondman of Allah, and His Messenger”.

say- Astagh Ferullah – I seek the forgiveness of Allah(astaqfirullah or astaqfiruka ya allah or Astaghfirullah Rabbi min Qulli Zambyu Wa Aatubu Ilaih)

Ask rasoolallah ﷺ to mediate/intercession in the court of Allah (as alukash shafahatahu ya rasoolallah ﷺ)

Allahummagh-fir-li wali-wa li-day-ya wali-ustazi wali jami-il mu’mi-nee-na wal mu’mi-nati wal muslimee-na wal muslima-ti bi rahmatika ya arhamar-rahimeen

Radiya tu billaahi Rabbaw wa bil Islaami Deenaw wa bi Syedina wa Moulana Mohammadin salal laahu alaihi wa sallama Nabi yaw wa Rasoolan.

Ask permission from rasoolallah ﷺ before leaving.

as-Salaamu alayka ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, as-Salaamu alaynaa wa alaa ibaadi-laahis-Saaliheen, ash-hadu allaa ilaaha IlAllahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhoo wa Rasooluh.

Salam-Assalamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh May the peace of Allah descend upon you and His Mercy and Blessings Although the sunnah of greeting is fulfilled by saying ‘Assalam Alaikum’, adding ‘Rahmat ullah wa barakatuhu’ earns more merit.To be the first with salaam is sunnah and he who does not reply to is a sinner.

When entering  home -Allaahumma innee as-aluka khair-alMawlije wa khair-alMakhrije- Bismillahe wa lajjenaa wa alallahe rabbenaa tawakkalnaa“O Allah! I seek goodness from you for entering into and exiting from the house; we enter with the name of Allah, and have relied only upon Allah the Supreme, our Lord.”

When stepping out of one’s home: -Bismillaahe tawakkaltu alallaahe wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah. “With Allah’s name (I go forth), I put my trust in Allah, and the power to resist evil and the strength to do good is only from Allah, the Supreme, the Greatest.”

keep the intention for shahadat/martyrdom you will be rewarded even if don’t get martyred in allah’s way  and Setting out for earning halaal money.

When entering a mosque: Bismillaahe was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah – rabbigfirlee zunoobee waftah lee abwaaba rahmateka “With Allah’s name (I enter the mosque) and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! Open for me the gates of Your mercy.” keeping in your right foot first .make niyyat of iteqaf in the masjid. 2 rakat of tahiyutul masjid,taubah ,wazu and shukr.

When stepping out of a mosque: -Bismillaahi was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah – Allaahumma inee as-aluka min fadleka. “With Allah’s name (I exit from the mosque) and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! I seek from You Your grace.”

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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