Dieseases Of The Heart-Tests Sabr And Shukr

Dieseases Of The Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

SABR(People of mohabbat/love)

Ishq=doesnot depend on result  and  Intellect =depends on result

Sabr=don’t complain

Poverty/faqr=be content/razi

Intention =no intention except seeking his pleasure/raza.

More the sabr more attached with Allah and decrease sabr decrease attachment with Allah

People of neymat/gifts—1.shukr when rewarded 2.sabr when not rewarded

Awliya Allah—1.when gifted ,they distribute it 2.when not gifted ,they show shukr because there is no hisaab on the day of judgement.

Halaal –hisaab /accountable on the day of qiyamah

Haraam-azab/punishment on the day of qiyamah

Piety /birr=saqawat e nafs/generous  +sofspeaking +sabr

when you are capable but still leave for the sake of Allah’s pleasure (learn from imam hussain(as))

leaving fight even though your right, Always treat people with good even if they treat you badly, and Always desire good for others.

Sabr/patience is must in dawaat o tablighi.

Listening=Sabr/patience +open heartedness + fikr/interest .

Sabr and salaat are mentioned together but first sabr then salaat.

NAFS E MULHIMA (INSPIRED SOUL)–Guiding nafs for doing good deeds –taqwa,touba,iqlas,shukr sabr,raza,charity,knowledge ,simplicity ETC ETC


Normal person=sabr (if not rewarded) and shukr (if rewarded).

Sufi sabr =if rewarded give it to others.

Sufi shukr =if not rewarded , thanking Allah because of  unaccountability on qiyamah.

Don’t complain and be content/razi(no intention except seeking his pleasure/raza)

SHUKR(people of neymat/gifts)

Zikr+shukr  =insan e kamil/perfect man

Don’t compare with others and be thankful/shukr to Allah for what you have.

Shukr increases reward/respect/wealth/health/status etc etc (must be to please Allah)

People of neymat(shukr)

1.shukr when rewarded

2.when not gifted ,they show shukr because there is no hisaab on the day of judgement.

Halaal –hisaab /accountable on the day of qiyamah

Haraam-azab/punishment on the day of qiyamah

Happiness/respect =don’t compare yourself with others .be in shukr(rewarded with or without asking –thanking Allah ) or sabr (waiting to be rewarded  or you have it but you don’t prove it for the sake of Allah)

NAFS E MULHIMA (INSPIRED SOUL)–Guiding nafs for doing good deeds –taqwa,touba,iqlas,shukr sabr,raza,charity,knowledge ,simplicity ETC ETC


Be happy with the decision of Allah rather than being happy with your nafs.

Be contained in your life (shukr/thank=Allah will give you more )

Say “O Allah reward him more and more” (you will also be rewarded )

Nothing is ours (wealth/life) ,it’s a trust/amanah from Allah so spend accordingly with sharia.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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