Dieseases Of The Heart-Mujahida Muraqaba

Dieseases Of The Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


For beyond the veil of the self is the imminent Presence of God, it is only through intentful, mindful, meditative spiritual practice that God is to be found.

The reality is that the Divine Presence cannot be found except within. And so, the journey is inward, away from the world and towards God, from the manifest to the unmanifest, from form to formlessness, from the seen to the unseen.

Our souls existed in a state of subsistence in the Presence of God. Having been originally created in Paradise in a state of innocence and purity, in fitra, we have as our journey now to seek to return to Heaven, to the primordial state of bliss and grace. And this then completes the journey, from God back to God.

Islamic Meditation Step-By-Step

Meditation is meant to lead to a sublime state of surrender and peace, and this is the very

meaning of Islam. Be Consistent and Set a Time and Place for meditation. reading quran and understanding it, is also a type of muraqaba. The ultimate goal of Islam and Islamic Meditation is to live each and every moment in Presence.

1. Perform Ablutions– offer two raka’ah for Tahiyaatul-Wudu.

2. Make Intention/niyah- Based on what you have learned and what feels appropriate, make an intention, niyah. For example, you might say, “I intend to sit here, now, in this place and allow my soul to increase in Divine Light and spiritual energy.”

3. Sit–Sit in a position that is comfortable, but be mindful of your posture

• Jalsah/tashahud – an excellent position .

•Cross-Legged/adab-commonly the most comfortable position. You may use a wall or

other vertical surface to support your back in an upright position.

•Lam-Alif Position-where your legs are crossed but your feet are resting on your knees.

4. Open Your Hands-Use any which feels comfortable and appropriate at the time

•Palms Down- Your hands resting palms facing downwards on your legs(relaxation)

•Palms Up- Your palms face upward while resting on your legs(drawing and attracting spiritual energy).

•Allah-Hu Position- Thumb and index finger are joined, connected, forming mirror images of the phrase Allah-Hu(conducive to spiritual unveiling and gnosis) and may be used with either palms facing up or down.

5. Relax

Begin to consciously relax. Recognize that you are now entering a Divine Presence, a

Holy Space, and that by fully surrendering, you will be blessed with Good and Grace.

(Gently let it go).

6. Breathe

Allow thoughts to fade, and simply stay with your breath.

Forms of Islamic Meditation

1. Tasbih/Zikr- Done in a state of relaxed meditation and focus. Reciting darood o salam, surahs ,astaqfar, asma ul husna etc etc . you will progressively develop deeper and more fulfilling breath. The more you practice breathing consciously, the more you will exist in a divine state of surrender and submission.

2. Muraqaba- we enter into stillness, silence, pure presence and awareness. This is sublime.

Muraqaba trains one for this ultimate stage of freedom and nonattachment.

One progressively transcends the self, the ego, and enters increasingly into a state of Divine Presence and Peace.

Higher state of consciousness begins to operate  (its in the heart rather than the mind).

Traveling from self to God. Ultimately, one leaves the self behind completely, and fully enters the Divine Presence, becoming subsistent therein.

Simply sit. Keep your attention on your breath  .Observe thoughts. Simply watch them. Do not judge, do not comment, do not criticize. Simply Be.

And as the ego dissolves, all illusion dissolves.The veils upon the heart, separating you from the Divine Presence, dissolve.

Ultimately, what happens cannot be said. It is to be experienced in a state of total awe and

wonder, beauty beyond description. And the proper practice of Muraqaba is the key.

3. Taffakur

Taffakur  helps in changing our thoughts and beliefs.

Taffakur  purifies intentions/niyyat .

Taffakur is nothing but thinking  intentionally ,constructively ,purposefully and positively.

When you do this, much which the soul wants you to know will begin to become known.

1.Contemplate and Reflect—Simply sit and allow to emerge what will. To analyze thoughts in the light of truth(by god’s grace). Resolve it. If you consciously examine the thoughts you will not fear or doubt

2. Think and Affirm– Think about your thoughts. Choose thoughts that help you and serve you rather than thoughts that harm you and disempower you.

Fundamental thought is kalma -la ilaha illalaah muhammadur rasoolAllah (saws)

(it will guide your thinking from going astray).

Only positive thoughts are real, because only God is real, and God is Good.

Negative thoughts /realities are creations of human beings/self manifest false and bad.

4. Murabita/Rabita

Meditation transcending time and space to cultivate a spiritual relationship with the Prophet (S) and his spiritual inheritors, the true and sincere Scholars, the real Ulemma, or literally “they who possess knowledge.”

Develops a spiritual connection unlocking the secrets of the soul and its limitless potential to transcend both time and space.

Increase in spiritual knowledge, sincerity, humility, piety, wisdom and understanding.

Most powerful form of progress is through association, absorbing and learning from one more advanced.

Simply sit and make the intention that you are connecting your heart to the heart and presence of the Prophet (S), and in doing so, that you absorb from his be-ing, his personality and beautiful character.

Convey salam/greetings and then take permission to get connected .

Spend a few moments connecting your heart to the soul and presence of the Holy Prophet

(S), or to a pious inheritor, a Waliullah, a “Friend of God.Expect to be dressed with his beautiful character, wisdom, understanding and nearness to God by virtue of your association or companionship with him.

Ihsan /spiritual excellence—-in which one is continually aware of the Presence of God.

1.Breathing /pass n pass meditation take Allahu (inhale) and Allah (exhale)

2.While walking think my destination is Allah .realize that you are walking in Divine Presence.

3.Eating—think it is to gain energy to worship Allah. finding a deeper satisfaction in eating less.

4.Zuhd /Islamic Asceticism—freeing from worldly attachments.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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