
Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Arif 16

Three phases of mystical illumination or revelation (tajallí)

Oneness, He-ness, and I-ness—traversed by the Absolute in its descent to consciousness.

In the first phase(Illumination of the Names)- the Perfect Man receives the mystery that is conveyed by each of the names of God, and he becomes one with the name in such sort that he answers the prayer of any person who invokes God by the name in question.

In the second phase(Illumination of the Attributes)- he receives the Illumination of the Attributes and becomes one with them, i.e., with the Divine Essence as qualified by its various attributes: life, knowledge, power, will, and so forth.

For example, God reveals Himself to some mystics through the attribute of life. Such a man, is the life of the whole universe; he feels that his life permeates all things sensible and ideal, that all words, deeds, bodies, and spirits derive their existence from him. If he be endued with the attribute of knowledge, he knows the entire content of past, present, and future existence, how everything came to be or is coming or will come to be, and why the non-existent does not exist: all this he knows both synthetically and analytically.

The Divine attributes -(1) attributes of the Essence, (2) attributes of Beauty, (3) attributes of Majesty, (4) attributes of Perfection.

All created things are mirrors in which Absolute Beauty is reflected. What is ugly has its due place in the order of existence no less than what is beautiful, and equally belongs to the Divine perfection: evil, therefore, is only relative.

The Perfect Man reflects all the Divine attributes, including even the Essential ones, such as unity and eternity, which he shares with no other being in this world or the next.

The third and last phase (the Illumination of the Essence)-Here the Perfect Man becomes absolutely perfect. Every attribute has vanished, the Absolute has returned into itself.

The Perfect Man the preserver of the universe, the Quṭb or Pole on which all the spheres of existence revolve. He is the final cause of creation, i.e., the means by which God sees Himself, for the Divine names and attributes cannot be seen, as a whole, except in the Perfect Man. He is a copy made in the image of God; therefore in him is that which corresponds to the Essence with its two correlated aspects of He-ness and I-ness, i.e., inwardness and outwardness, or divinity and humanity. His real nature is threefold, as Jílí expressly declares in the following verses, which no one can read without wondering how a Muslim could have written them:

Now, all men are perfect potentially, but few are actually so. These few are the prophets and saints. And since their perfection varies in degree according to their capacity for receiving illumination, one of them must stand out above all the rest.

This absolutely Perfect Man is the Prophet Mohammed.

In every age the Perfect Men are an outward manifestation of the essence of Mohammed . Prophet Mohammed(saws) – the absolutely perfect man, the first-created of God and the archetype of all other created beings.

Prophet Mohammed(saws) is loved and adored , Except that he is not quite co-equal and co-eternal with his Maker, there can be no limit to glorification of the Perfect Man 

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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