
Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Arif 22

The Perfect Man as the Spirit whence all things have their origin.

The Holy Spirit (Rúḥu ’l-Quds) and the Spirit (al-Rúḥ or “the angel named al-Rúḥ”)

In the technical language of the Ṣúfís, as “the ḥaqq by means of which the world is created” (al-ḥaqqu ’l-makhlúq bihi) and “the Idea of Mohammed” (al-Ḥaqíqatu ’l-Muḥammadiyya).

Spirit =which constitutes its form.

The created spirit has a Divine spirit(form) which constitutes it

Divine form=Rúḥu ’l-Quds.

Those who regard the Rúḥu ’l-Quds in man deem it created, because two eternal substances cannot exist.

Eternity belongs to God alone, whose names and attributes inhere in His essence because of the impossibility of their being detached; all else is created and originated.

Man= body(form) + a spirit( meaning) +a consciousness/sirr (al-Rúḥ) +an essential aspect /wajh(Rúḥu ’l-Quds /the Holy Spirit)+al-sirru ’l-iláhí (the Divine consciousness) and al-wujúdu ’l-sárí (the all-pervading Being) 

The Rúḥu ’l-Quds and the Rúḥ are one Spirit viewed as eternal in relation to God and non-eternal in relation to Man; (essence/ form)

The uncreated Spirit of God, sanctified above all phenomenal imperfections, is referred to in the verse, “I breathed of My Spirit into Adam” (Kor. 15, 29; 38, 72), and in the verse, “Wheresoever ye turn, there is the face (wajh) of Allah” (Kor. 2, 109),

The Rúḥu ’l-Quds exists, “individualised by its perfection,” in every object of sense or thought.

spirit of a thing is its self (nafs), existence is constituted by the “self” of God; and His “self ” is His essence.

Union with the Rúḥu ’l-Quds comes only as the crown and consummation of the mystical life to “the holy one” (qudsí)  who unceasingly contemplates the Divine consciousness (sirr) which is his origin, so that its laws are made manifest in him and God becomes his ear, eye, hand and tongue: he touches the sick and they are healed, he bids a thing be and it is, for he has been strengthened with the Holy Spirit, even as Jesus was (Kor. 2, 81) .

The created Rúḥ or the archetypal Spirit of Mohammed as a mode of the uncreated Holy Divine Spirit and as the medium through which God becomes conscious of Himself in creation.

Angel named Ruh or Amr Allah/word of Allah.

God created the angel named Rúḥ from His own light, and from him He created the world and made him His organ of vision in the world. One of his names is the Word of Allah (Amr Allah) . He is the noblest and most exalted of existent beings: there is no angel above him, and he is the chief of the Cherubim. God caused the mill-stone of existent beings to turn on him, and made him the axis (quṭb) of the sphere of created things. Towards every thing that God created he has a special aspect (wajh), in virtue of which he regards it and preserves it in its appointed place in the order of existence.

He has eight forms, which are the bearers of the Divine Throne (al-‘Arsh) . From him were created all the angels, both the sublime and the elemental. The angels stand to him in the relation of drops of water to the sea, and the eight bearers of the ‘Arsh stand in the same relation to him as the eight faculties which constitute human existence to the spirit of man.

Spirit has 8 faculties = intelligence (‘aql), judgment (wahm), reflection (fikr), phantasy (khayál), imagination (al-muṣawwira), memory (al-ḥáfiẓa), perception (al-mudrika), and the soul (nafs).

The Rúḥ exercises a Divine guardianship, created in him by God, over the whole universe. He manifests himself in his perfection in the Ḥaqíqatu ’l-Muḥammadiyya: therefore the Prophet is the most excellent of mankind.

While God manifests Himself in His attributes to all other created beings, He manifests Himself in His essence to this angel alone. Accordingly the Rúḥ is the Quṭb of the present world and of the world to come. He does not make himself known to any creature of God but to the Perfect Man.

When the saint (walí) knows him and truly understands the things which the Rúḥ teaches him, he becomes a pole (quṭb) on which the entire universe revolves; but the Poleship (Quṭbiyya) belongs fundamentally to the Rúḥ, and if others hold it, they are only his delegates.

He is the first to receive the Divine command, which he then delivers to the angels; and whenever a command is to be executed in the universe, God creates from him an angel suitable to that command, and the Rúḥ sends him to carry it out.

All the Cherubim are created from him, e.g., Seraphiel, Gabriel, Michael, and Azrael, and those above them, such as the angel named al-Nún , who is stationed beneath the Guarded Tablet, and the angel named the Pen (al-Qalam), and the angel named al-Mudabbir, whose station is beneath the Kursí, and the angel named al-Mufaṣṣil, who stands beneath the Imámu ’l-Mubín. these are the Sublime Angels, who were not commanded to worship Adam. God in His wisdom did not command them, for had they been commanded to worship, every one of Adam’s descendants would have known them.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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