Arif-Nuzul Urooj

Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Nuzul (evolution) ===1.Ahadiat (consciousness) 2.Wahdat (sound) 3.Wahdaniat(light)  4.Arwah(spirit) 5.Ajsam(astral)

Uruj (involution)====1.Nasut(matter) 2.malakut(mental) 3. jabarut(astral) 4.lahut(spirit) 5.hahut(consciousness)

Journey is from consciousness to consciousness.

When Ahad, the only Being, became conscious of his Wahdat, only existence, through His own consciousness, then’ His predisposition of love made Him project Himself to establish His dual aspect, that He might be able to love someone. This made God the lover, and manifestation the beloved; the next inversion makes manifestation the lover, and God the beloved.

The dual aspect of God is significant in Zát and Sifat, in spirit and matter.

we must actually realize God or attain that state of realization which gives eternal happiness through the admiration and worship of nature’s beauty and its source.

The Sufis believe in God as the Absolute, the only Being; and that all creation is the manifestation of His nature

Man is the result of the involution of spirit and the evolution of matter; the final effect of this cause is ‘self-realization’, which means that the Knower arrives at that stage of perfection where He can know Himself…

to know oneself means to know the mystery of one’s existence, theoretically as well as practically.

It requires perfection in humanity to attain self-knowledge

The greatest principle of Sufism is, ‘Ishq Allah, Ma’bud Allah’ (God is love, lover, and beloved).

it is love which has brought man from the world of unity to the world of variety, and the same force can take him back again to the world of unity from that of variety.

Love is that state of mind in which the consciousness of the lover is merged in that of the object of his love; it produces in the lover all the attributes of humanity, such as resignation, renunciation, humility, kindness, contentment, patience, virtue, calmness, gentleness, charity, faithfulness, bravery, by which the devotee becomes harmonized with the Absolute.

As one of God’s beloved, a path is opened for his heavenly journey: at the end he arrives at oneness with God, and his whole individuality is dissolved in the ocean of eternal bliss

The wise man by studying nature enters into the unity through its variety, and realizes the personality of God by sacrificing his own.

Baqa is the original state of God. At this state every being must arrive some day, consciously or unconsciously, before or after death. The beginning and end of all beings is the same, difference only existing during the journey.

All planes of existence consist of vibrations.

Vibrations are appearing as the five elements

 1. Nur — ether 2. Baad — air 3. Atesh — fire 4. Aab — water 5. Khaak — earth

In relation to these elements, mankind has five senses:

Basarat — sense of sight the eyes

Samat — sense of hearing the ears

Naghat — sense of smell the nose

Lazzat — sense of taste the tongue

Muss — sense of touch the skin

Through these senses and different organs of the mental and physical existence the Ruh, the soul, experiences life; and when the Ruh receives the highest experience of all phases of existence by the favor of the murshid.

The only Being(Allah), in the form of love and beauty, has glorified the universe and produced harmony.

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Master your self with both material and spiritual lives .

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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