
Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Arif 40


The Spirit of Humanity—was breathed by God into man directly from Himself, and is therefore of the same character as the Primal Element. not attained until a late period of life, thirty or even eighty years. Acquired by purifying oneself from all evil and immoral qualities and dispositions, and adorning oneself with the opposite ones.

The Spirit of Humanity-acquired by moderation in life + knowledge of himself and of God + purification of nafs, heart and soul+ prayers.

He soon arrives at the Divine Light (those who are pure in spirit and in their lives).

The germ that contains the Primal Element of Man is the lowest of the low, and the Divine Light is the highest of the high; it is between these extremes that the stages of man’s upward or downward progress lie.

Purpose of life—-Acting righteously is their return to the Nature of God (who being sent down upon earth strives upward towards Heaven).

The Primal Element or constructive spirit as well as the Spirit of Humanity proceed direct from God(Concomitant Spirit).

Whosoever purifies his heart from worldly impressions and desires reveals this internal function of the Spirit within him, and illumines and revivifies his soul.

The Spirit at once comprehends the Universe and dwells in the heart of man.


Understood truth of Revelation ,he has reached the stage of Belief—Múmin/Believer.

Understood truth of Revelation + obedience to the will of God+earnest prayer–’Abid/“Worshipper.”

Expelled the love of this world from his heart, and occupies himself with a contemplation of the mighty Whole—Záhid/Recluse.

He knows God+learns the mysteries of nature=Árif/One who knows.

He attains to the love of God-Walí /Saint.

Gifted with inspiration +the power of working miracles—Nabi/Prophet

when entrusted next with the delivery of God’s own message—Apostle/Rusúl.

When he is appointed to abrogate a previous dispensation and preach a new one–Ulu ’l ’Azm/ One who has a mission.

When this mission is final he has arrived at the stage called Khatm/the Seal.

This is the Upward Progress of Man. The first stage is the “Believer,” the last the “Seal.”

After separation from the body, the soul of Man returns to that Heaven which corresponds to the stage which he has attained; thus the Believer at last dwells in the first or lowest Heaven, and the Seal in the Heaven of Heavens;

The Heavenly Intelligence which corresponds to the degree of intelligence attained by Man attracts and absorbs his soul into itself after separation from the body.

Thus every one who has attained intelligence corresponding to that of the highest sphere, his soul returns thereto; and he who has attained intelligence corresponding to the lowest sphere, his soul in like manner returns to that;

Those who have not attained intelligence corresponding to any of these will be placed in Hell, which is situate below the lowest sphere.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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