Ahklaq-Saqawat e Nafs

Ahklaq, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Saqawat e nafs

Saqawat e nafs =kindness in personality

Saqawat e nafs =doing good in return for bad +giving it to those who don’t give it to you (no give and take –only saqawat/giving)+fulfilling rights of oppressor with forgiveness

Ruh e deen /essence of deen =saqawat e nafs /peacefull heart

Saqawat e nafs=building relationships+keep giving people +fulfilling rights of enemies(forgiveness)

Anger =prevents you from forgiving (doesnot give your right still you forgive)

Good deed =saqawat /giving not bukhul/taking

Saqawat e nafs=spending should give joy and taking should make you unhappy(kindness/generosity of personality)

Sakhi/generous/NOTHING IS YOURS (forgiveness,accommodation,wealth, open heartedness, peaceful/soft heart)

Saqawat e maal/Wealth =lesser sakhi (if done for allah’s sake)

Saqawat e nafs/open heartedness=higher sakhi (living for others with out any expectations in return ,only for allah’s sake)

Saqawat e nafs (all are involved)is higher than saqawat e maal(only rich are involved).

Rich heart=saqawat e nafs AND poor heart=without saqawat e nafs(living for others with out any expectations in return ,only for allah’s sake)

Sakhi =forgiveness/accommodation AND Bakhil =no forgiveness /no accomodation


Heart must be sakhi/generous (no self interest)

Sakhi caring others in duniya and also ahkirat

Atleast think good for others even if you don’t do it practically

Sakhi/generous =living for others

Sakhi/generous=no self interest

Bakhil/miserly=self interest

Satisfaction/contentment =ghani e dil(generous heart)

No satisfaction=garib/fakir e dil(poor by heart)

Miserly heart =dis satisfaction(seekers of duniya)

Generous heart=satisfaction(seekers of ahkirat)

Prophetic ahklaq/character= sakhawat (generosity) +husn e ahklaq (good character)

Good ahklaq gives deedar e Mustapha ﷺ.

Give and take =duniya  AND Always give =ahkirat

Heaven/jannat=sakhi/generous +salamate nafs (seeking good for all)+clean heart (free from diseases of heart)

Best deed /amal =peace full heart (keep conveying salam on others ) +forgiveness(maintain good relationship)

Negative thoughts/ finding faults =bukhul

Positive thoughts /finding solution or forgiveness=saqawat

Miserly /bukhuli=takes you to hell(corrupts all your good deeds)

Saqawat/generosity=takes you to heaven(covers all your good deeds)

Ahklaq =covers all your amaal/deeds. 

Forgiveness grants you =jannah

Catching words=bukul

Don’t catch words =saqawat

Good character/Ahklaq e saqawat is higher than wealth saqawat  AND better than performing nafil ibadat.

Bukul =hard heartedness

Sakhi=soft heartedness (Allah loves soft heartness)

High open heartedness/saqawat e nafs +less knowledge and amal/deed =sakhi (gains qurb/nearness of allah)

Low openheartedness/saqawat e nafs +high knowledge and amal/deed=bukul (goes to hell)

Saqa/generous =A tree in the  heaven whose branches are on the earth (hold on to any of the branch you be taken to heaven )

Bukhul/miserly =A tree in the  hell whose branches are on the earth (holding on to any of the branch you be taken to hell )

Openheartedness is higher than charity of wealth.

Types of saqawat

1. Karam =kareem -highest of saqawat (gave everything  but never think he gave)

Fulfilling needs before asking  for ex-forgiving people before they ask you sorry,giving it to begger even before he ask you etc etc

2.isar =qurbani/sacrifice (total charity no personal use) highest saqawat.

3.jud =jawad (more charity and less personal use)

4.saqa =sakhi-lowest of saqawat (less charity and more personal use)

Blind =don’t find faults in others.

Eyesight=finding faults in self.

Saqawat =open heartedness (wealth,forgivesness, good words, smiling face,islah e nafs etc etc)

Jannat is for openhearted people(generous /sakhi)

Poor people will reach jannah before rich people because of open heartedness/less accountability on the day of judgement .

Sakhi/generosity =open heartedness(forgiveness,softness,ignoring peoples faults) .

Ahklaq=peacefull heart.


Charity /saqawat = spending on family is better than spending on mosque, smiling face, sweet words  

Never express/remind people about  your favours/help.

Don’t see other’s wealth and don’t see your fakha/poverty.

Don’t think what they have and don’t think what you don’t have OR if you say ,if had money/resource I would have done this will also account as if you have done it (sawaab-based on niyyat because of openheartedness)

Fulfilling needs before asking  for ex-forgiving people before they ask you sorry,giving it to begger even before he ask you etc etc

Atleast think good for others even if you don’t do it practically

Sakhi/generous =living for others

Saqawat e nafs=building relationships+keep giving people +fulfilling rights of enemies(forgiveness)

Saqawat e nafs=spending should give joy and taking should make you unhappy(kindness/generosity of personality)

Sakhi/generous/NOTHING IS YOURS (forgiveness,accommodation,wealth, open heartedness, peaceful/soft heart)

Saqawat e nafs =doing good in return for bad +giving it to those who don’t give it to you (no give and take –only saqawat/giving)+fulfilling rights of oppressor with forgiveness

Anger =prevents you from forgiving (doesnot give your right still you forgive)

Forgiveness is by

1.thinking he/she is better than me .

2.Forgive others Allah will forgive you.

3. To please Allah alone

4.keep doing astagfar

5.ignore bad thought at first instant and do good deed at first instance.


1. do good deeds it at the first instance itself.

2.never think about good deeds

3.dont disclose your good deeds to creation (except as wasila during dua)

4.dont remind people about your favour/help

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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