
Ahklaq, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Zaahir/khalq=creation see(Alam e nasoot/shahadat),bashari/physical,outerform of human (mud water air and fire) temperament of anasir /compounds change the nature of the person.eating /sleeping/gaflat etc etc .its earthly/farshi .miserly/bakhil.

Baatin/khuluq=creator see (alam e malakut/angelic world),ruhani/spiritual,siffats or ahklaq of Allah.ruh doesnot sleep/eat/gaflat-heedlessness etc etc .its heavenly /arshi.generous/sakhi.

Insan= properties of mud,water,air and fire(earthly) +properties of ruh(heavenly)

Materialistic duniya(diseases of heart) effects the lowerself/nafs

Heavenly ruh effects qalb/fawad (spiritual heart)

Physical heart =pumping of blood AND spiritual heart =spiritual enhancement

Nafs /materialistic AND ruh /spiritualistic   fight for occupying heart/fawad

Ruh /higher self =doesnot eat/sleep/ghaflat/fight(no diseases of the heart) ,does only zikrullah/rememberance of Allah


Khuluq e Mustapha(ﷺ) is above khuluq e azeem(highest of highest of ahklaq e hasana/personality)

Personality/Khuluq e Mustapha(ﷺ)=quran (kalaam e elahi)

Allah’s ahklaq=quran (kalaam e elahi/siffat e elahi)

Khuluq e Mustapha(ﷺ)=siffat e elahi/ahklaq e elahi

Quran =unlimited understanding AND Khuluq e Mustapha(ﷺ)=unlimited understanding

Khuluq/ahkalq e Mustapha(ﷺ) is khuluq/ahklaq e elahi

Khuluq e hasana

1.Spending /Saqawat /charity =spending wealth,knowledge,life,time,power,status,children,wilayat,hidayat etc etc for allah’s pleasure/raza


Forgiving people before they ask you for forgiveness =highest sawaab with qurb/nearness of allah (never say I forgave you ,just clear it from the heart) forgive all before sleeping

Your asking forgiveness from someone=gives sawaab (keep reciting astaqfar)

Forgiving people after they ask for forgiveness=no sawaab

3.bearing pain/hilm(forbearance for allah’s sake )

Finding fault within and not pointing at people.

Replace anger with forbearance/hilm (anger is natural but hilm is practiced)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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