
Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


There are two types of prostrations: one is in the form of worship and the other is in the form of respect. No Muslim prostrates in the form of worship before anyone or anything else other than Allah.

(41/37) It is impossible that a Muslim would prostrate before other than Allah in the form of worship! If an ignorant Muslim goes to the grave of a pious person and prostrates before the grave he is not prostrating in the form of worship, but only in the form of respect. Even though this sort of prostration is also unlawful, it does not make him a mushrik (polytheist) or kafir (disbeliever), though it is a major sin(haram).

 (2/34,12/100) this form of prostration was not worship, but was prostration in the form of respect. If it was in the form of worship why did Allah Almighty ask His angels to commit polytheism? Is Sayyidina Yaqub (as) committing polytheism by prostrating to his son and is Sayyidina Yusuf (as) also committing polytheism by accepting the prostration from his father?

The only vows/mannat that take place are in the name of Allah Almighty alone.

Verse’s which mentions those who make false accusations and who are liars:

(18/5) No Muslim would even think of taking a vow or making a sacrifice in other than Allah’s name.The only vows that take place are in the name of Allah Almighty alone. Many a time people make a vow with Allah that they will slaughter an animal and distribute the meat to the poor children in the seminary near such and such pious person’s grave. The vow is made with Allah. When sacrificing the animal it is in the name of Allah and when distributing the food it is in the name of Allah

Everyday during the month of Ramadan people bring food to the Mosque. They also bring food for holy events in the Mosque such as Laylatul Qadr. Is this all polytheism?

(10/49) no one can profit or harm with their own power and will; it is Allah who grants the power to anyone or anything to hurt or profit. Though Allah does hurt and profit through the means of someone or something else.

He did not make them His means of approach, though Allah did curse them!

We do not say that the Prophets and pious can profit or hurt us without the help of Allah! The only way they can actually profit or hurt us is if Allah wills it and only if Allah gives them the power to do so.

Allah Azawajal does profit and hurt through the Prophets, angels and pious.

Muslims believe that to attribute an act or doing of Allah to the means through which He does it, is permissible. For example one may say the food finished my hunger. the food was merely a means which Allah created the ability in to stop the hunger. In reality it was Allah who caused the hunger to come to an end.

The Khawarij believe that to metaphorically attribute an act to the means is Kufr and Shirk, even though Allah, Himself, has attributed the ability to profit and harm to his own means,

(2/236) the wife will gain profit from her husband, as the husband is commanded to give her a gift. In this way she is gaining profit from her husband through the gift.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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