tauheed-Living Cannot Hear Without Allah’s Will

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



 (8/21-23) Allah Azawajal has called those who do not believe in His message as deaf, though if Allah Azawajal chooses to do so he can make them hear and therefore they will believe and have faith in His message. the disbelievers are deaf, but if Allah wills He can make them hear. These verses are talking of the living, so obviously if the living cannot hear without Allah’s will and nor can the dead, this must mean that the deceased only hear when Allah wills.

There is no difference in the manner of hearing between the living and the deceased. The disbelievers have been called deaf and dumb metaphorically. 2/18 Deaf, dumb and blind; and they return not.This verse is not describing the disbelievers in a literal manner, only in a metaphoric way, as they do not hear, see or understand the message of Allah.

The pious do not actually die. The human is made up of two things, the body made from clay and the inner spirit. The inner spirit is what animates us and that is what makes us human. The body can die and rot away but the inner spirit will never die, it is eternal. For this reason, when someone dies, we say so and so has passed-away which means just passing death.

when the pious die they only pass by death and they then regain life and enter the hereafter.

(3/185) every soul shall experience death; and we know that an experience is momentary:

the actual time in which your soul is taken is an experience  which will soon pass. This proves that the pious shall only taste death for a matter of seconds, and after that, the taste of death will go and the pious will regain life in the hereafter.



(29/25) idols will be resurrected on the Final Day, where they will disown their worshippers and curse one another. Both the idols and worshippers will be cast into Hell separately and alone from one another as we are told in 10/28., where they will neither benefit one another or be able to intercede.

(29/61-63) The polytheists of Makkah did believe in Allah, though they did not associate the deceased pious with Him in any way.They did that for Lat, Mannat and Uzza (their idols).

They believed in two gods, though they believed their gods were rivals with the one God.They gave their idols a higher status than Allah.

For example, if they distributed 10 dates for the sake of Allah, they would distribute 12 for their idols. (mazallah/I seek shelter in Allah!)

When they slaughtered animals they invoked the names of their idols.

They used to make sacrifices for their idols.

They thought their gods were entitled to be worshipped therefore they worshipped them.

When someone would insult or swear at their idols they would insult and swear at Allah.

They would sacrifice their children in order to please their idols.

They would harvest in the name of their idols.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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