Tauheed-Definition Of Help

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Asking help –Definition

Istighathah / isti‘anat—-means “to seek help”

The word istighathah has been used in the holy Qur’an in various contexts.

1.During the battle of Badr the Companions beseeched Allah’s help which is explicitly referred to in surah al-Anfal: When you were beseeching your Lord (for help).8/9

2. A follower of Musa (as) asked him for help and the help he extended to him is also explained in the holy Qur’an in conjunction with the word istighathah. Allah says in surah al-Qasas: So the person who was of his very community sought his help against another person who was from among his foes.28/15

3. We seek help only from You.1/4

  1. Appeal by word (istighathah bil-qawl)
  2. Appeal by deed (istighathah bil-‘aml)

If a person, trapped in difficulties, appeals for help through words uttered by his tongue, it is called ‘appeal by word’, and if he appeals for help on the basis of his present condition or situation, it is called ‘appeal by deed’.

Appeal by word

And we directed Musa by inspiration (in the way) to strike his staff at the rock when his people asked him for water.7/160

It means that the real helper is Allah Himself and He is delegating His powers to Musa (as) to perform the miraculous act. The verse also clearly illustrates the difference between real and delegated power. While Allah’s power is real, as it is self-activating, Musa’s power is delegated as it depends on, and draws its nourishment from, the divine will.

Appeal by deed

Take this shirt of mine, then place it over my father’s face, (and) he will recover his vision.12/93

So when the bearer of the good news came, he cast the shirt over Ya‘qub’s face and forthwith he regained clear sight.12/96

When his(yousuf(as)) brothers touched the eyes of Ya‘qub (as) with the shirt, he regained his eyesight through the divine will.

intermediation (tawassul) and appeal for help (istighathah)————— the virtual helper whose help is being sought will act only as an agent or a means because the real helper is Allah Himself. appeal for direct help from Allah has a palpitating immediacy about it and elicits a more prompt response.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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