Tauheed-Attributing Actions

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



(8/2) when the sincere and faithful hear Allah’s Revelation (the verses of the Quran) their faith increases. We are fully aware, that it is Allah alone who can increase our faith, however Allah has attributed the increasing of faith to the verses of the Quran.

(32/11) how the angel of death will take the souls and bring death upon everyone. This means that attributing Allah’s doing to other than Him is permissible.

(56/63) Allah is attributing the cultivation of the crop to the earth itself! Once again that which Allah provides has been attributed to other than Allah! I.e. the earth

(14/35-36, 71/23-24) the idols have led many astray, though the idols are not the ones who actually lead astray, in fact it is Iblis who leads people astray,

(73/17) the final day itself will turn children grey. yet Allah has attributed His own doing to the day. Again this proves that attributing acts of Allah, to other than Allah is permissible.

(19/17-19) Sayyidina jibrail (as) says himself that he will grant Sayyida Maryam a son, even though Allah will provide Sayyida Maryam with a son.

(42/52) Allah is commanding His beloved Messenger Rasulullah (saws) to guide the people to the right path. Even though Allah Azawajal is the One who guides to the right path, it has been said that Rasulullah (saws) is the one who guides. Allah is simply attributing His act to His Beloved.

Just for a moment use your eyes, open your mind and heart and this time observe the difference between us (muslims) and the polytheist of Makkah. When the polytheists of Makkah asked for help from their idols, they did so with the intention that they are the real providers of the help. Allah then damned them and cursed them and said they will be the fuel of the hell fire.

Muslims believe Allah is the real provider and performer of all doings. (Prophets and pious)They are only a means. Allah gave the revelation through the Prophets, Allah guides through the pious.Allah has attributed certain acts to his creation, the taking of life, to Sayyidina Izraeel (angel of death), bestowing a son to Sayyida Maryam has been attributed to Sayyidina Jibrail.

Muhammad (saws) is the guide, with the will of Allah the Prophets and pious can help and guide the people. The Prophets and pious can help us, With the permission and will of Allah. They are only a means which Allah uses to approach and help us, so surely it cannot be wrong to attribute help to the Prophets and pious.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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