Tauheed-Associating Any Word

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Tawheed and Shirk(Monotheism or Polytheism)22

Associating any word mentioned in the Quran with a hadith which further mentions or discussess that same word in the hadith.

For example if the word Ruku has been mentioned in the Quran, you will then go to the hadith and see what the hadith has to say about Ruku. The hadith can then further inform us with details such as; you are to do one ruku and two sajuds in every rakah; you can then accept this hadith because there is a link between the Quran and hadith regarding the word Ruku. However, if this is the case, the Quran only mentions the word Ruku or Sajud, but it does not mention that ruku should be applied in every rakah, after you have recited Surat al-Fatihah and an additional surah. This information is only given in hadith; therefore this is contradicting the Quran. Furthermore, if you use this form of linking then you have to apply this form to all words mentioned in the Quran.This must mean that because the word grave (Qabr) has come in the Qur?an, you must agree with all the hadith discussing the grave. One hadith states that when you arrive and leave the burial of a deceased Muslim, the deceased Muslim hears your footsteps. If we apply the linking here you have to accept this hadith, however I am fully aware that you and the rest of the khawarij reject this hadith! Moreover, even though the word wasila has been mentioned in the Quran, you deny and reject all the hadith that explain and discus wasila in detail! In this manner you are not using this form of linking correctly, simply because you do not want to accept some hadith and are forced to accept others, therefore this explanation of Link is also flawed.

Even if a hadith does not have a link with the Quran you will accept it as long it does not contradict the Quran.

If this is the case, then there would be no specialty of accepting the sayings and actions of the Prophet (hadith)!This could also mean that if anyone said or did something which did not contradict the words of the Quran, you would blindly accept it (simply because their sayings or actions do not contradict the Quran). This means there is no difference between the words and actions of the Prophet, and the words and actions of the ordinary man.

Secondly, if any action or saying of the Prophet is to contradict the Quran, then one cannot say that it was the Prophet contradicting the Quran. One must understand that if there are any hadiths contradicting the Quran then we must say the narrators who narrated these very actions and sayings of the Prophets, may have committed mistakes in hearing these hadiths, and as these hadiths are being passed on from generation to generation, there can be a possibility that in a rare hadith the narrator could have misheard the hadith and mistakenly changed a word. The Scholars of this ummah have written many books on this matter, which are known as the Kutb-e-Mawduat in which in detail they discuss the reliabilities of hadith and even ensure whether a hadiths chain is traceable back to the beloved Prophet. If a hadith is not traceable to the Prophet then it is fabricated.

Thirdly, if someone were to claim that a certain hadith goes against the Quran, then we should ensure that what he is saying is precise.To even make such a claim,one would have needed to study all the Quran and hadiths, knowing the principles and types of hadith (Authentic, weak, or fabrication). Also like to inform you that there has already been an extreme amount of work on the matter of certain hadiths contradicting the Quran. Those hadith have already been rejected in dozens of books written by the Islamic Scholars, such as Ibn Jawzi, Hafidh Dhahabi, Mullah Ali Qari, Hafidh Suyuti etc

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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