Tauheed Wasila-Meaning

Shariath, Tauheed Wasila

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Asking help— WASILA


1.To ask an individual to pray to Allah on your behalf

2.To ask help from other than Allah (from either the living or dead)

3.To make Supplication through Wasila



3/128 – 39/3 We, the Ahl al-Sunna Wa al-Jamaa believe that one can make supplication to Allah without Wasila.This is not a condition of supplication as Allah Tala says In the Quran:

2/186.-However some people believe that when one makes a supplication to Allah, one can supplicate during a blessed time or at a blessed place or even make supplication by using ones good deeds as an intermediary or by using the Prophets and pious as intermediaries Because of this the supplication is believed to be accepted more rapidly.

The Ahl al-Sunna Wa al-Jamaa believe that if one uses the Prophets and pious as intermediaries during supplication then he is not committing polytheism, nor is he is not out of the pail of Islam. The Ahl al-Sunna Wa al-Jamaa further believe that it is permissible to make supplication to Allah using good deeds as intermediaries and when we make supplication using the Prophets and pious as intermediaries in reality we are making supplication using their good deeds as intermediaries. It was precisely because of the persons good deeds that made them pious.

For example, if one was to make supplication that Ya Allah I am supplicating to you, using Rasulullah (saws) as an intermediary by this he means that I am making supplication, using the Prophet hood you granted Rasulullah (saws) as an intermediary.

Another example is that one may say that Ya Allah I am supplicating to You, using Sayyidina Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) as an intermediary due to his companionship and martyrdom usually though one shortens the supplications by not mentioning the companionship or martyrdom and only mentions Sayyidina Umars (may Allah be pleased with him) name.The reason for this is the person has the intention that Allah is aware of what his supplication really means so he does not need to explain it to such an extent.

If one commits a good deed you cannot separate it from the person: the good deed will remain with that person, it is a part of that person.For example, one cannot say that when Allah Azawajal granted Rasulullah (saws) prophecy, these two things split. It cannot be said that the Prophecy is something apart and distinct from Rasulallah (saws) though one must say that Rasulullah (saws) is the Prophet of Allah. The Prophet and the person are one and the same, in the same way one cannot say that a martyr, such as the great martyr Sayyidina Hamzah (may Allah be pleased with him) is separate from his martyrdom, his martyrdom is part of him. So if one was to mention Sayyidina Hamzah (may Allah be pleased with him) he is not only mentioning his name but also his companionship and great martyrdom.

Whosoever uses the Prophets and pious as intermediaries is sure that Allah Azawajal loves them and is pleased with them.There is no doubt that Allah loves and is pleased with His beloved Prophet and we can also be sure that Allah is pleased with the good deeds of the pious, which we use as intermediaries.

5/54 and 98/8 In these verses, Allah Most High informs us that He loves His pious servants and is also pleased with them. Allah Most High always showers His Mercy on His beloved servants and it is for this reason that their bodies become blessed and if someone’s clothes were just to touch the blessed body, they to would become blessed,

as Allah Almighty says in the Quran:2/248 Here Allah Almighty informs us of the chest which contained the blessed possessions of the pious. These blessed possessions granted the believers peace of mind. This clearly proves that the possessions of the pious are blessed. The commentators of the Quran have all said that the chest contained the clothes of Sayyidina Musa (peace be upon him), Sayyidina Haroon (as)and their families. In the chest there was also Sayyidina Musa’s staff, pieces of the Old Testament, and some belongings of previous Prophets, which had touched their bodies.

When the believers went to war they took this chest with them and used to supplicate to Allah Azawajal by using the chest as a wasila.

12/93-96 In these verses we learn that Sayyidina Yusuf (as)sent his blessed shirt to his father and ordered that his shirt be laid on his father’s face. Once it has been done, Sayyidina Yaqub’s (as)blindness was cured.

If the shirt of the Prophets are blessed to such an extent that it can restore the eyesight of the blind, then one can only imagine how blessed the bodies of the Prophets are. Surely to use the bodies of such blessed Prophet’s as intermediaries cannot be polytheism. Moreover, when the man went to Sayyidina Yaqub (as)and gave him the shirt to lay upon his eyes, he did not recite any supplication to Allah to cure Sayyidina Yaqub (peace be upon him). He merely placed the shirt upon Sayyidina Yaqub’s (as)eyes and he was cured. This is extraordinary. If someone is suffering through some illness you would expect a cure to come through some medicine, not by simply placing a cloth over them.This event emphasizes the blessing and status of not only the Prophets themselves, but even their possessions (their clothes).

Sayyidina Yusuf (as)used his shirt as a wasila for his father to be cured and Sayyidina Yaqub (as)accepted this shirt as a wasila for his eyesight to be restored, showing that it was the practice of two great Prophets to accept a blessed item as a means of wasila.

We should not be anti-Wasila people, because even though Allah is most Powerful He, Himself has chosen that whenever He is to approach us He always does it with a Wasila (Intermediary). Do you not think that if whenever Allah approach’s us He does so through using intermediaries, how then, is it possible for us to approach Him without using any intermediaries?

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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