Tauheed Wasila-Kuffar

Shariath, Tauheed Wasila

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

39/3 —It is interesting to know why the polythiests used wasila as an excuse for their polytheism. When someone is in a debate they would try their best to present an idea or argument that the opponent accepts and believes. Because the polytheists knew their opponents (Muslims) believed in Wasila, they used wasila to justify their worship of idols. Allah Almigty commanded the polytheists not to worship their idols, although they justified their worship by claiming they were using their idols as a wasila between themselves and Allah. Allah Almighty rejected this excuse because their crime of worshipping their idols could not be justified with the excuse of wasila.

It is a shame that even the polytheists of Makkah knew that Muslims accept and use wasila. The polytheists knew that the Muslims believed in wasila as they had heard this verse:17/57

in which Allah Almighty informs us that we should seek the way of approach to our Lord (wasila).Another interesting part of this verse is which of them shall be nearest, which informs us that they wanted to know which of them is nearest to Allah so that they can use the nearest one to Allah as a wasila! Otherwise there would be no need for them to find which of them is nearest to Allah. 17/57 is the famous verse which the polytheisst of Makkah heard and realised that the Muslims believed in Wasila. Even though the polytheists used the excuse of wasila to justify their worship, it does not mean that it is the same as ours or that we are committing shirk like them. Wasila does not justify their idol-worshipping!the polytheists used the good, permissible concept of wasila to justify their bad idol-worshipping, the idol worshipping cannot be justified by using wasila.

A young Muslim may be very stressed and wants to drown his sorrows by drinking alcohol and taking drugs. When the young man is asked why he is committing this unlawful act he will say he is drowning his sorrows to receive piece of mind. To achieve peace of mind in Islam is permissible, but to do it through drink and drugs is completely unlawful. So again you cannot justify something bad by using a permissible act.

By worshipping idols you can never be close to Allah, although by using the Prophets and pious as a wasila you wil succeed in being close to Allah.

Even if the polytheists of Makkah used their idols as wasila (in a different manner to Muslims), or if they worshipped their idols, neither of these will bring you close to Allah. Not only can you attain closeness to Allah through the wasila of the Prophets and pious, but also through sittting in their company, learning from them and following them.


The manner in which we use the Prophets and pious as wasila is by using their righteousness. They have carried out so many good deeds and are very blessed, so we use their righteousness as a wasila. We have much love for them and even loving them is a good deed!

2/141 and 53/38-39—Firstly, 2/141 did not bother to look at the verses before and after it. If you did, you would have actually been able to understand the correct meaning of this verse. Look carefully below at the verses before and after 2/141, as Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

2/139-140After reading these verses you should understand that 2:149 and the verses around it are directed at the Jews and Christians of Madina. Allah Almighty is telling them that they will not be able to benefit from the previous Prophets Ours are our work and yours is your work because they believed in Sayydina Abraham, Ishmael, Issac and Jacob (may Allah be pleased with them) but failed to believe in the Prophet Muhammad (saws) as the final successor to the Prophets and the final Messenger of Allah. And who is more unjust than he who hideth a testimony which he hath received from Allah? It is for this reason that the previous Prophets good deeds and piety will not be able to benefit them, even though they believed in their prophecy. At the same time, this verse implies that the previous Prophets will be able to benefit those who believe in the Prophet Muhammad (saws) and accept him as the final Messenger of Allah. Again, placing the verses of the kafir upon the Muslims

53/38-39 If you continue to take out verses from their proper context you will surley fall into destruction. If you looked at the verses before and after the second verse presented, (53/39), you would have come to know that it is actually intended for the polytheists of Makkah and the star worshippers who are being addressed not the Muslims, as Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

53/19-23 and 53/49 –Read the verses in their proper context, you will be successful in understanding the verses of the Quran, although always seem to fail to look at the preceeding and following verses. After looking at the verses before and after the verses presented, you will see that it is actually the Jews, Christians, the polytheists and those who worhsipepd the stars that the verses are talking of.

Furthermore, when we say that we are making wasila using the righteousness of the pious, we do not mean to say that if a pious person does a good deed we will be rewarded for HIS good deed. No! What we are saying is that we will receive some of the blessings for the sake of that good deed. The argument in this case is not wasila, but with recieveing blessing and reward for the sake of anothers righteousness.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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