Tauheed Sura Fatiha-Worship And Help

Shariath, tauheed Surah Ikhlas

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Asking help –sura fatiha

(O Allah!) We worship only You and we seek help only from You. 1/4

The first part -consists of the concept of Islamic worship, and the second part -explains the concept of help and assistance.

The first part mentions worship, which is exclusively reserved for Allah, while the second part refers to help and assistance

If the injunction relating to help and worship were identical, Allah would never have inserted the letter waw(and) between the two parts. clearly indicates that the two parts of the holy verse reflect two different types of reality. Thus, it proves that du‘a’ and appeal for help and assistance are two different realities

And help one another in (acts of) righteousness and piety, and do not help one another in (the acts of) sin and oppression.5/2

So the person who was of his very community sought his help against another person who was from among his foes.28/15

Asking the Prophet and Saints for assistance is permissible when it is believed that the help is actually from Allah (swt)Himself, and that these personalities are merely the reflections of His assistance. Muslims ascribe to this belief alone and there is no ignorant person who deems a Saint to be Allah (swt)..(mazallah)

It is our claim that no Muslim believes any Prophet (saws)or Saint to be Allah (swt)or His son.(mazallah) They merely accept them to be the intermediate (waseela).

Seeking assistance is made to the soul of the Saint, not his physical body. Those who the Kuffaar ask for help from are bereft of any spiritual (roohani) power. They also believe stones, which have no soul at all, to be their helpers.

With regards to seeking assistance from the servants of Allah (swt), they are only asked for it with the sole belief that they are the means of Divine guidance, just as how the Holy Quran states, ”There is no judgment except for Allah’s (swt).” or like how Allah (swt)states in another verse,2/225 However, we still accept the rulings of our judges and lay claims of ownership over our possessions. In other words, the ayat refers to actual (Haqeeqi) rule and ownership, but through Divine bestowal, they are proven for the bondsman as well.

The connection is only that asking for help in the belief that Allah (swt)is the true helper is also a branch of worship (ibaadat). Idol-worshippers ask for help at the time of worshipping their idols  This is why both have been mentioned. If the meaning of the ayat is taken to be that asking any other besides Allah (swt){Ghairullah) for any kind of help is polytheism, then there will not be any Muslim on the face of the earth – neither the Sahaaba, nor the followers of the Quran, not even the opposition themselves!

Even today, the help of the wealthy is asked for in donations for Madrassahs. A human being is in need of the bondsmen’s help from birth until burial (his parents’ affection and nurturing, the lessons of his teacher, etc.}; rather, he is even in need of it on Qiyaamat. When our entire lives are based on the generosity of the creation, how can we say that we don’t request help from anyone?

There is no restriction in this ayat as to which form of assistance or time.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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