Tauheed Shirk-Sajda

Shariath, Tauheed Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Shirk 2

Sahih Muslim Book 4 Hadith 991 Ibn ‘Abbas reported: The Apostle of Allah (saws) had been commanded that he should prostrate on the seven (bones) and he was forbidden to fold back the hair and clothing. And in the narration transmitted by Abu Rabi’ (the words are):” on the seven bones and I was forbidden to fold back the hair and clothing”. According to Abu’l-Rabi’ (the seven bones are): The hands, the knees, and the (extremities) of the feet and the forehead.

Sajda according to Shariah defination is on Seven Bones , When All Seven Touch The Ground. there are two types of sajda (bowing down): one sajda is for worship and the other type is for respect. It is the same way that the angels bowed down to Adam (as) and when Sayyidina Yaqub (as) and his sons bowed down to Sayyidina Yusuf (as). It was merely as a sign of respect.

And (also recall) when We commanded the angels: ‘Prostrate yourselves before Adam.’ Then they all prostrated themselves to Adam except Iblis (Satan). He refused and showed arrogance, and (consequently) became one of the disbelievers.2/34

(Recall) when Yusuf (Joseph) said to his father: ‘O my venerable father! I have seen (in a dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon. I have seen them prostrating themselves before me.’ 12/4

And he seated his parents on the throne and they (all) fell down prostrate before Yusuf (Joseph) and Yusuf (Joseph) said: ‘O father, this is the interpretation of (that) dream of mine which I had seen (long) before. (Most commentators state that it took forty years.) And my Lord has surely proved it true. 12/100

“O Bani Israel! Enter the door of Baitul-Muqaddas making Sajda and say, “May our sins be forgiven”.7/161 This verse commands the respect of Baitul-Muqaddas (which is the resting area of the Prophets), ordering the Bani Israel to enter it making Sajda. It is also known from this verse that repentance (tauba) is quickly accepted at sacred places.

Muslims prostrate in the direction of the Kaaba, which is also a building of stone. However, we do not become polytheists (Mushriks) because this sajda is for Allah (swt)in reality, not for the Kaaba, and is done on His command. On the contrary, the prostration of the polytheist to a stone is against the command of Allah (swt). (2/125 )Maqaam-e-Ibrahim is also a stone. Why is there no problem in making Sajda and performing Salaah before it by you?

To make Sajdah-e-Tazeem (Prostration of Respect) to anyone other than Allah Ta ala is totally Haraam.To make Sajdah-e-Ibadah (Prostration of Worship) to anyone other than Allah Ta ala is undoubtedly and certainly Shirk and open Kufr.

if a person say he has done Sajdah e Tazimi –it is made Haram on this ummah all though it was permissible for previous ummahs. He/she cannot be accused of Shirk unless they claim to do Sajdah Ibadah. Islam has ruled the Sajda of Respect to be Haraam. Thus, if a Muslim performs this type of Sajda for a person, he is a sinner and has committed Haraam but is not a polytheist (mushrik) or Kaafir.

We were travelling with the Prophet (saws) when suddenly a camel came near“and prostrated to the Prophet (saws)” The Prophet (saws) asked: Who is the owner of this camel? At this some youngsters from Ansaar said that it belongs to them. The Prophet asked them: What have you done with it? They replied: We have been putting load (of water) on it since the past 20 years, now when he has become old and gathered excessive mass on itself so we made up our minds to slaughter him and distribute the meat amongst our friends. The Prophet (saws) asked: Would you sell it to me? They replied: Ah! It is yours O dear Prophet (saws). The Prophet said, keep it but take good care of it until natural death reaches it.The Sahaba asked: O Prophet (saws) we are more deserving of prostrating to you than the animals. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied: It is not allowed for anyone, “IF IT WAS ALLOWED I WOULD HAVE ASKED WOMEN TO PROSTRATE TO THEIR HUSBANDS” [Sunnan Darimi, Volume No. 1, Page No. 10, Sahih Ibn Hibban (4/335), Imam al-Mundhri narrated another variant of camel prostrating to Prophet and he declared the chain as “Jayyid (strong) having famous thiqa narrators” (3/35)]

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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