Manners-Travelling Praising Public Property

Manners, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Before one sets out on a journey, make sure to return all trusts to their owners, settles any debts, and keep sufficient provisions for family, return anything taken unjustly to its rightful owner Or else on the day of judgement , it will be taken from his good deeds and given to his brother, and if he had no good deeds, bad deeds will be taken from his brother and thrown upon him.

Before returning from a journey, one should inform his spouse of his expected arrival. Preferably arrive in the daylight not midnight.

One should not delay returning to his family after he has finished his business.

donot travel alone at night, be carefull.

when you reach your home town ,first go to the mosque and pray two Raka’s.

keep to the rear when travelling with other vehicles and urge on the week to join you make them sit behind you and pray for them.

It is good to perform Nafl Salaah before going on a journey. 

prefer to commence a journey on a Thursdays.

at least three persons should travel together not single.It is excellent for four persons to travel in company. If three persons travel together, one among them should be chosen as an Amir.

If one has a sufficient supply of food and drink, one should consider those (companions) who have little.

When one returns from a long journey at night, one should not go home. (if one had not informed his family of ones arrival).

The leader of a group is the one who forgoes his own needs for the service of others.

None except a Shaheed (martyr) can exceed him in reward if he does so. If encamping in the open/wilderness, do not camp on the pathway, as different types of

one should return home as soon as possible.


Praising is to glorify especially by the attribution of perfections.

 Flattering is to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest.

If any of you simply must praise another, let him/her say, ‘I think the person is this way or that…’ if you genuinely think the person to be that way. The Final Reckoner is Allah, and no one can tell Allah anything about anyone.

‘If ever you encounter those who flatter, throw dust on their faces.

A believer is frank and decent.

pray as “O Allah! I ask You for good health, for trust, for self-control, for good manners, and to be satisfied with the divine decree.

If you have no shame, then do as you please.

Whoever eats with his servant, or rides a donkey in the marketplace, or who ties up his goat and milks it will no be guilty of the sin of pride.

pride is to disdain(intense dislike) the truth and to treat others with contempt.


If urinating then don’t relive yourself where people walk or seek shade.

Be careful and stay away from sitting on the paths ,if you sit then do the following-

Lowering one’s gaze (not looking at members of the opposite sex), not bringing harm to others,  replying to salaam/salutations, enjoining good and forbidding evil , that you help those in need and guide the lost.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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